Not sure if this counts as a macro...

Edit My Images
..but I couldn't think where else to put it.

I like images that are a bit abstract but where you can still identify the object. With this one I like the impression that the onion is sort of floating.
This is the original with no editting except to re-size for this forum. I am wondering whether to crop make it a square picture, but I kind of like it floating off centre.
Please let me know what you think.


Sony A230 with 50mm prime on tripod. f/1.8, 1/10sec, Taken indoors with no flash.
I think a square crop but would be better but it looks a little flat. A bit of a tweak in PP might help but really needed some lighting. It is surprising the amount of detail that can be in apparantly flat subjects when lit from the side.

tbh it feels like the white balance is off. Could do with lighting, as said maybe from the side to lift it a bit. Have you looked at adjusting the contrast and white balance etc pp ?