not to everyones taste

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but it took me a while before i got it where i liked it!.........

Its different and if you like it thats all that matters.

I like the right side tree/building area, the (ruined?) section i dont....maybe cos it looks a little over worked compared to the tower in the background?

I like it, it has a good atmosphere. Hoping to be able to do something similar when I get hold of Elements. Any tips on how did you it?
very atmosheric, Kinda reminds you of Hammer house of horror... I 'd be inclined to desaturate the grass a bit... it looks too healthy to be in such a gloomy place.
I'm voting for the "not quite a hot spot" because I agree that it immediately pulls the viewer into the photo.

Over all, I really like this. Has a bit of elvish look to it ala LOTR.
I feel you have worked hard at this and deserve full marks, you have created great atmosphere to the image, its this kind of look i have tried to get myself.
If there was one tiny niggle, i would like to have seen a little more top of the tree, but thats just me...
Nice one.(y)