Now got 2 DSLR's!!!

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There you go now you can ask all the questions you want about your pentax etc.............................. lol!!!!!! Bye!!!:crying::crying:

That was a teensy bit harsh, for a D5k owner....but I must admit you are asking a lot of questions, and appear to disregard the answers...its annoying me a lot, hence a few rather short comments.
How many questions have you asked since you have been a member of the forums?

Not disregarding the answers at all. Digesting them. Lots of different views and opinions.

Some peopel are quite nasty though. No need for it
we ask questions but you have asked more than me in the space of 2 or three threads!

you need to listen and observe and instead all you do is ask. in the last thread you made there we hundreds of answers and instead you ignored us.
Hundreds of 'conflicting' answers. Lots of different answers etc. Lots to digest. I am one of those people who does not take thing in quickly, sorry if i am thick.

I have not ignored anyones advice. I have been digesting it all. Just i am slow on the uptake.

Anyway, the K-x has gone back to the inlaws as it wouldn't come on last night. Tried about 4 dif sets of batteries. Nothing! They are taking it back to the shop today to see what the problem is. Talk about bad luck!
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it seems like you have been ingoring/not listening though. Not many answers confilicted each other. You do get very defensive, very quickly which annoys people trying to help and have a bit of banter with you.
it seems like you have been ingoring/not listening though. Not many answers confilicted each other. You do get very defensive, very quickly which annoys people trying to help and have a bit of banter with you.

No, people get very nasty quickly! I only come here for help.
I really have lost track of how many cameras have passed through your hands, or have been returned, or broke before purchase, or quit [ a new K-x...too bad ]

where do you stand now..? do you have a camera ATM...?

not much point in getting the eneloops if you go back to Canon
if i remember correctly when i was looking to buy a kx i done my own research online and i think you have to do an update on the camera regarding the battery etc??? Maybe im wrong :thinking: Hope that helps i will even try to find it for you Tony:D
jesus, can't some people on this thread just leave it alone? all the guy wants is a bit of help:shrug:
if i were you i'd do yourself a favour and stop posting on this thread matey, otherwise you're just likely to get another flaming or "i told you so"
if i were you i'd do yourself a favour and stop posting on this thread matey, otherwise you're just likely to get another flaming or "i told you so"

Yea. I agree. Won't post anymore. Thanks mate.
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