Numbers - POTY late entry

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Sadly my POTY entry was (just!) outside the deadline so I am re-posting it here as no-one got to see it. The theme was "Numbers", as I'm sure you know.

Please note I've posted this in the cotton wool forum - I don't want critique!

All I want really is just for one person somewhere to see the picture and say "wow, what a cool idea!"

Not sure what you mean by on as well as in?
I grew it on tissue paper but cotton wool would have worked just the same.
Actually that was a good idea.

Did you try shooting from overhead or not? (or did you just get too many shadows?)

That was overhead (or perhaps slightly off)... what does it look like?
Or prepare sooner!!

Actually jokes aside I had this done by about the 15th but then exams got on top of me and I didn't process or upload or anything, only remembered the night before! :bonk: