Nuthatch's from today

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My set of Nutties from today's outing, with what I consider one of my personal best Nuthatch's to date, see image 5.

Thanks for looking, comments welcome

1. - I liked the pose




5. - And the best for last (for me anyway)
An excellent set Dan -well spotted and captured.
Cheers Tom :Thumbs:

not a bad perch eh Kaz, kinda hoped the Nuttie would use it and he didn't let me down...they never do lol :)

Thanks again ;)
#5, but #4 also excellent. Subtlety of the colours are lovely.
Hey John, thanks for the comments, glad you liked. As you can see, the Nuthatches didn't fail to show in the Chase again, looking forward to you getting a chance at them soon mate (y)

Andy, thankyou very much indeed! Glad you noticed the colours, it's something I have worked on recently.

Some of my previous images have looked a tad overcooked, I've opted for a more natural approach, so it's more pleasing on the eye :)
I cant argue about number 5, its a beauty, they are all typical Nuttie poses, well spotted and taken (y)
Thanks Lance, much appreciated.

Cheers Trev, I hope that perch doesn't go walkabout's between now and next time I visit, I rather liked that one :)
A very nice set of images number 5 is spot on
would love to be able to photograph this bird, very nice set(y)
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1 and 5 are really special.
We have a few nutties that visit our garden every day. Wonderful to watch.
Nuthatches aren't that blue so the white balance is off a bit on some of these. Shot 2 is about right. But they're nice catches.
Great set Dan (y) #5 is good but I am liking #1 as well.
Joe: Yes mate this lens is having a good old thrashing, and I'm awaiting a 1.4x TC next week, so will have that bit extra reach which will save on some cropping. These images are crops, but as you can see the detail is still there so it shows they aren't huge crops, confirming that you can get quite close to these birds :)

Rich: Cheers mate, glad you like. Yes I quite like 1 too, just hoped the tree didn't dominate too much, but the colour of the nutty helps seperate the 2 :)

Mike: Yes, I see what you mean, there is a slight blue tint on some, will keep an eye out in future, thanks ;)