off camer flash - How???


clever little wings..
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Hi all :wave:

Can someone explain to me how you set you speedlight up for off camera shots using a triggering system.

I have a SB900 and i want to take a photo of a person ie bride standing in a field with the background dark (sky showing through) and the bride lit.

Ive got the basic set up but cant quite seem to get enough power from the flash. How do I increase the output??

thanks, I hope you kinda get the sort of shot im after from my rather poor description
If you need more power from the flash, do one of the following (or all of them)

1. Shoot in manual and set your flash to a higher power ratio, ie. 1 to 1
2. Shorten the flash to subject distance (read up on inverse square law)
3. Open the aperture of your lens wider to allow more flash light in, and then compensate using shutter speed to reduce the ambient back down
4. Similar to the above, but use ISO to allow more flash light into the picture too, and again, compensate by increasing shutter speed.
