Off camera cord - best place to buy??

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Hi all :)

Having bought a cheapy Jessops flash (redundancy looms so the 430ex is a while away now :() I'd like to be able to move it around as it does bounce but not swivel. The best solution I can come up with is an off shoe cord - am I thinking along the right lines??

I was just wondering where would be the best place to get one, WHE has one for about £30, Jessops £34 but would I be right in thinking that any Canon fit ebay ones would do the job just as well (at a bit of a lesser price!) ???

I've only got a 1000D, don't know if that makes a difference as I'm informed that it doesn't support any wireless remote-y gadgets so is the cord the only option other than just using a diffuser to soften the light?

Any and all assistance muchly appreciated - didn't know whether to post this here or in the equipment section so if I'm in the wrong forum I apologise in advance :bonk:
Jessops sell their own brand one for about £22 I think, which is fairly cheap, if you want to avoid eBay?
Believe it or not, looks like I've got it sorted now (y) Someone kindly pointed me in the direction of the ones for sale in the For Sale section here so hopefully it'll be nice to be able to support a forum member and get my lighting probs sorted :)

Thanks again all :)
thats great, well done, always better to help someone out rather than buying off a shop