Oh No Its Another Sunset!!!!!

Andy Grant
Edit My Images
Taken on tuesday night on the way to college. I used an ND Grad filter (upside down) and I think I like it, but as usual I change my mind each time I see it.

Anyway, all comments and critique are welcome and you don't need to be nice to me, I'm not new here (y)



Hmmm....bit lacking in a certain oomph, I reckon.

Hmmm....bit lacking in a certain oomph, I reckon.


No need to be sorry. Its probably why I keep going of it. I think it nearly works, just not quite.

A nice sky, sunset and silhouette but a bit too much black at the bottom for my tastes. Would work better if about half of that black area was cropped off the bottom.
Thanks for the comments Tom, much appreciated.

Hmmm....bit lacking in a certain oomph, I reckon.


(snip) I think it nearly works, just not quite.


I have to agree. For me I think this would work better if there was a strong contrast between the outline of the tree, and the surrounding horizon. In other words, the texture of the tree needs to contrast with a hard, bold horizon imo.

Also, I don't know if you have altered the colours at all, but for me the blue tones at the top could do with being a fair bit darker; really give it some graduation from deep orange to deep blue.

Just my thoughts :)
Thanks for those thoughts Woodsy. I've had a little play and taking into account what you and Tom have suggested I came up with this.


Any better do you think?


I know I'm new here and in techie terms hardly qualified to comment but I know what's wrong with it for me - its the tree itself. If there was more tree trunk to really pick it out from the sky and the hedgerow (or what I'm assuming was a hedgerow behind the tree!) then it would be massively improved -and I know that there's nothing that can be done about things like that ;)

I think that's why the dark bottom of the photo dominates it as a taller tree would have shown the natural gap/graduation between the sky and the ground more clearly - hope that makes sense??

Otherwise I think it's a great picture of one of the kind of sunset that makes you glad to be alive - and have a camera handy :)

*puts noob's tin hat on now and waits to be told to shut it ;)*
No need for a tin hat here, you've hit the nail on the head I think. I knew there was something about this I didn't like and thats it, trees too small. I'll have to go back when its grown a bit. (y)


Likewise i am not really qualified to comment however just looking at what I see and the effect it has on me I agree with the tree comment...

I did use the top of my PC screen to look at the effect of cropping some sky, for me cropping the sky just above the dark cloud on the left centres the focus abit more to the tree and has the effect of growing the tree in the image.

Unqualified view...just wish I could get something up worth commenting on!

Thanks for the comments guys. I think this is more what I was after.



That's quite a bit better. I think in the original shot the horizon was pretty much hidden by the trees and bushes negating a lot of the impact from the sunset. With this one it's nicely balanced with the tree on the left and a good view into the horizon on the right. The sunlight shining onto the underside of the clouds is pretty special also.