Oil Seed Rape (picture added)

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I went out for a walk in the fields behind our house yesterday evening and these are a few of my pictures. Any comments welcome.




Thanks for looking.
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I find these little yellow fellas just the same as bluebells. Really hard to get a satisfying shot of, often lacking the impact that you saw at the time but totally compelling as a subject matter.

I like these shots lots more than ones looking out over the top of a field of them. (y)
I find these little yellow fellas just the same as bluebells. Really hard to get a satisfying shot of, often lacking the impact that you saw at the time but totally compelling as a subject matter.

I like these shots lots more than ones looking out over the top of a field of them. (y)

I disagree :D

Number 2 is nice (y)
I disagree :D

That doesn't suprise me at all. I get compelled to shoot these fields every year and so far I have only one shot I really like. I've also yet to find anyone else that likes it, so it's safe to say I have an odd veiw on the subject. :LOL::LOL:
I like the first two and I'd like #1 about 6 times more if you were to gently rub the eraser tool over those few odd buds sticking out of the top right of the frame ;).

#3 appears both over-exposed and over-saturated, which may be intentional, but just there isn't really enough land/sky colour contrast for that to work well, IMHO.

#2 is the pick of the bunch for me too (y).
Thanks for the comments, I like #2 most aswell. I'm not sure what happened to #3, it looked ok before I posted it. #1 would look better without the buds.

Here is another one I shot this evening, I was trying to do something different !

The last I actually prefer as it's out the box. Reminds me of "Honey I Shrunk the Kids".

#1 and #2 are a little too much swathes of yellow for me but #3 looks good with the colour variation in the trees. I might be tempted to crop in slightly though as the slant on the trees does tend to lead your eye off the edge of the image.
Nice one.
Thanks for the comments ...
I & 2 are very yellow i agree , but this stuff is so bright and so yellow.... you need sunglasses ! Loads of it round here at the moment , i think it is pretty tricky, as someone has already mentioned, to get a really good shot of it .