Old octagon room

Hi Danny, that certainly is a good looking room and in its prime I bet it was simply awe-inspiring.

I've seen a few of these ceiling shots lately and I really do like the effect - your version works very well with the 8 pillars adding to the symmetry.
What I'm unsure about though is the mix of the old shabby bit on the left vs. the rest of the image which actually looks in reasonable condition. I'm finding myself drawn to that and puzzling over it more than looking at the ceiling itself. Maybe a tighter crop - or perhaps even a wider one to get more context to it would have worked better.
Great images of a striking location
Thank you very much for the detailed feedback Sarah , that first shot was with a 8mm fisheye with the camera sitting on the floor so a wider shot would mean comping a few pictures together , I may just PP out the old fire place and see if that looks better.

thanks Adrian it is indeed a striking location I just wish I had found it before the sods smashed it up :(