Olympus OM-D E-M1 Owners Thread

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Very first out-of-box impression...........Ooooo there's lovely, an E-M5 on steroids.

I had it a few days and it lives up to expectations.

Going from an E-M5 the transfer is virtualy a read-across.


IMG_0190 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr

IMG_0192 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr

IMG_0193 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr

IMG_0194 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr

IMG_0195 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr

But Oh that strap, it stays in the box, would'nt be seen dead with that around me neck

IMG_0196 by Dave in Wales, on Flickr
It seem a well build 4/3 pro camera,but still let down a bit by its smaller sensor size.
Checking all the files i could find when you start to push it above 1600 it is a bit of a let down which is a shame,the Fuji sensor beat it & the Sony.

It seem a well build 4/3 pro camera,but still let down a bit by its smaller sensor size.
Checking all the files i could find when you start to push it above 1600 it is a bit of a let down which is a shame,the Fuji sensor beat it & the Sony.


Having played with the EM-1, you are forgetting the effectiveness of the IBIS. You really don't have to push it above 1600 on a regular basis.

This is an excellent camera, just packed with features and the build quality is outstanding. The lenses seem to pair so well with m 4/3, love the feel of the 12-40.

Sadly no funds at the moment to purchase one....
Nice camera, well put together and if you are familiar with Oly menus then you can be up and running pretty quickly. The 12-40 is a beautiful lens, if I have a criticism of the the combo in the limited time I've had it, I find it a bit front heavy with the 12-40 fitted.

I've only had a ten minute outing since Tuesday because its been dark when I get home, so here are a few images I grabbed quickly this afternoon:





Is there a quick way of entering bracketing.

My major gripe of my em5 is the number of button presses to enter bracketing (14 at my last count...)

also - is the bracketing able to use more than 1 stop steps?
A direct control on the top left shoulder of the camera allows direct access to the mode your after, you can then choose between bracketing modes including the 2 HDR modes, up to 7 frames @ +/- 2 ev and 5 frames at +/- 3 ev
Received my E-M1 & 12-40 yesterday and i can't wait to take it out and play. From coming away from a Nikon D3s, i blown away how light it is. Now to learn the menus and see what this baby can do!

On another note, can anyone recommend a good telephoto lens to pair with the E-M1? Im in 2 minds between the Panasonic 100-300 & the Olympus 75-300. Any advice would be greatly received (y)
I went for a s/h 50-200 swd & MM3 adaptor, nice. sharp and fast.

PS - Don't forget to check & update your firmware on the lens and body as new firmware was released today for the em1
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I went for a s/h 50-200 swd & MM3 adaptor, nice. sharp and fast.

PS - Don't forget to check & update your firmware on the lens and body as new firmware was released today for the em1

Update completed ... thanks for the heads up (y)

As for the 50-200 ... thanks for the heads up, but slightly out of my price range sadly to say :crying:
Update successfully completed.

The Panasonic 100-300 is a really good lens, light, smallish and sharp. I also have the 50-200 which is much heavier but sharper than the Panny.

These are with the 100-300:



Thanks Glenn for the heads up. These look great, thanks for sharing (y) ... If only the pockets were deep enough for the 50-200, but i would be more than happy with these!
Wow, thanks for that Dave. Waist height, in a bag and onto carpet ... that sucks !! Ive just moved mine from the coffee table into its bag and put it on the floor, taking no chances !!
Finally got out with the beast in some good light, these taken with 12-40 and 50-200 SWD 4/3




OK, can anyone offer me any real world advice - I am dithering about selling my Canon 5d2, 17-40, 24-70, 70-200 plus flash etc for an E-M1, 12-40 and some other longer lens. I will also need a flash and a grip if my first hands-on play is anything to go by.

Main reason for looking into this is my Canon gear is just too big and heavy so gets left at home.
Anyone done much the same and regretted it or are you all happy with the decision ?
Nice to see this winning camera of the year just about everywhere.

I have a soft spot for MFT and I will probably keep a body but what put me off and pushed me to the A7 was simply the issue of shooting with wide apertures in good light. 1/4000 and ISO 100 didn't cut it for me and I can't see a great advantage of 1/8000 at ISO 200. Shame as I really wanted to love the system but I've not had to fit an ND to my A7 yet. Then there's the FBW lenses of course, and I've never liked those and my legacy lenses are better focal length on the A7.

Anyway, I'll watch future developments though and may return to MFT one day.
OK, can anyone offer me any real world advice - I am dithering about selling my Canon 5d2, 17-40, 24-70, 70-200 plus flash etc for an E-M1, 12-40 and some other longer lens. I will also need a flash and a grip if my first hands-on play is anything to go by.

Main reason for looking into this is my Canon gear is just too big and heavy so gets left at home.
Anyone done much the same and regretted it or are you all happy with the decision ?

Well, I went from Canon 5D to MFT to avoid the bulk and weight and conspicuousness of DSLR's. I can't see myself going back to a conventional DSLR now.

PS. As I've said here before... The first time I went out with my Panasonic G1 I actually had to keep checking that it was still in the bag such was the difference in weight over my 5D and 50mm f1.4.
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Thanks for that Alan - more to think about as I've not read anything about bright light being a possible issue - can you explain more ?
Thanks for that Alan - more to think about as I've not read anything about bright light being a possible issue - can you explain more ?

I like shooting with wide apertures even in good light and with my G1 I'm limited to a max shutter speed of 1/4000. So, if trying to shoot with a wide aperture lens in daylight I found that I was limited to a max aperture of f2.8 to stay at or slower than 1/4000. On really bright days I was limited to f5.6 for some shots.

The fix is to use ND's but I don't like using them and find putting them on for one shot and having to remove them for the next when I found my shutter speed too low or my ISO too high to be a PITA.

Later MFT cameras have a max shutter speed of 1/8000 but they've upped the base ISO too... to 200, maybe there's a 100 available but it's probably a hobbled setting derived from 200 with reduced highlight room, or not available as an auto ISO option, or only available as a JPEG option. PITA.

I found with my G1 that some days I was fitting and removing the ND for one shot in three and it just drove me mad and was the biggest single factor in pushing me out of love with MFT. There are some lovely wide aperture lenses... but the body spec wont let you shoot at wide apertures in daylight without ND's so it's a case of buy that lovely f1.4 or 1.8 and use it at f5.6. No thanks... Just for fun and to see if I could manage with a base ISO of 200 one day I set my G1 to 200 and found that for some shots I was limited to f7.something (I was using a manual lens and the f setting wasn't marked...) so I decided that a camera with a base ISO of 200 just wasn't for me as with MFT I rarely shot in the region of f8.

I realise that I'm probably in a tiny minority but for me this is a massive fault with the system that I fixed by moving to a Sony A7. If Panasonic or Olympus had produced a body with the spec I wanted... 1/8000, raw at a good ISO 100, good EVF... I wouldn't have moved to Sony. But they didn't so I did.
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Does anyone know if its possible to turn off the review in the viewfinder but for the image it to remain on the screen. The only way i know is to turn it off completely or press the shutter half way.

Hope that makes sense

Does anyone know if its possible to turn off the review in the viewfinder but for the image it to remain on the screen. The only way i know is to turn it off completely or press the shutter half way.

Hope that makes sense


Don't look like it ............Menu->Setup->Rec View, Page 88 of the manual.
I'm considering an E-M1 for a particular task that involves using it remotely through its wifi facility via a tablet.

The Olympus android app looks to be pretty much perfect for my needs but what sort of range has the set up got? I'll need at least 25m range between camera and tablet. Is that doable?


Taking pictures not talking about their cameras!