Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

The secret of b.i.f with m4/3 is plain and simple keep your shutter speeds high I.e double your focal length at least or higher . You will induce some noise but that’s easier to cure than a out of focus bird . If you use a/v mode with auto I.s.o the camera will always fire at 1/640th sec which is to slow change to shutter priority and shoot at a minimum of 1/1000th of a sec . Or higher
Just been renewing my Photo insurance, so got all my Micro Four thirds kit together (for serial numbers etc), and thought I'd take a quick photo. Hmm...not sure I need much else (also not shown is my Panasonic 100-400mm Leica DG Vario-Elmar f4.0-6.3 lens, which a friend of mine is currently using).:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

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It is (maybe too much), but I do shoot around 6-8 weddings a year, so most of it gets a run out (although my favs for weddings are the 12-40, 40-150 F2.8, 25mm F1.2 and the Noticron 42.5mm F1.2).

I'm also hoping that this "super" OMD camera next year, even if it doesn't have any newer features, improves the DR and High ISO somewhat (maybe though a new sensor or BSI technology). Not that the EM1 MKII or G9 are that bad in that respect, just we always want more. In fact now I've also added a Fuji X-H1 to the mix, what I'm finding is that the best of APS-C and the best of M4/3 aren't dramatically different from each other (maybe ½ stop - but then the Fuji has other strengths), so I think to get a real improvement in that respect would need something like an A7 MK III, but with my F1.2 glass, I can still shoot fast enough with enough DOF and keep the ISO's to a reasonable level. I think what I'm saying is that whilst any improvement in sensor tech would be most welcome, it's currently not the limiting factor for me at present.

However, when I'm not doing weddings and shooting wildlife, then the ISO's do need to be pushed and the continuous AF whilst not bad, is still quite a bit away from my old Nikon D500 that I used to shoot wildlife with, so an improvement on that side as well will give my long glass a new lease of life too.
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Which do you prefer the M1 or the G9?

Hmm, quite difficult that one, as they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

The EM1 MK II is a great form factor with brilliant battery life (one in the camera and one in the grip can net me nearly 2,000 images). The OIS on the Olympus (in my opinion) is slightly better than on the G9, and the High ISO performance a smidgen better. Also, my IS lenses (so 12-100 and 300) work with dual IS on the Olympus but only lens IS on the Panasonic (but then the same could be said for using stabilised Panasonic Lenses on the G9 vs the EM1 MK II). Also the Olympus has some pretty good unique features (which can come in handy) like live time and live bulb etc.

The G9 has a AF joystick, and having had that on my Nikon's, now on my Fuji X-H1, it is something that I sorely miss on the EM1 II. The EVF on the G9 is also bigger and better resolution and just nicer to use. Whilst the G9 is perfectly sculptured and fits your hand very nicely it is the same size (almost to the mm) as my Fuji X-H1 so the Em1 II wins for size and portability. I find the high resolution feature on the G9 produces sharper images than on the EM1 II, but annoyingly, exposures are capped to a maximum or 1 second , where as this cap isn't there on the Olympus (but I seem to get softer images in high res on the Olympus).

Colours and overall image quality are a wash between the two (with the caveat as said that high ISO images are "slightly" better on the Olympus). I also like the fact that in pro-capture mode on the Olympus, it captures raw as well as JPG, but (and I stand to be corrected here) the Photo 4k and 8k modes on the Panasonic are jpg only. For me the perfect hybrid would be the body and sensor tech from the EM1 II combined with the EVF, AF Joystick and dedicated ISO, WB and Bracket buttons that the G9 has. That would be a brilliant camera (oh and the 2 UHS II card slots from the G9 rather than one USH II and one UHS I on the Olympus.

If I had to get rid of one, it would be a tough choice, but I'd probably keep the EM1 MK II (marginally), but would miss some of the features of the G9.
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Thanks. I've been looking at both so was just wondering how you found them.
Having also had the Em-1 mkII and G9 at the same time is was the G9 that recently got offloaded. I would agree with Andrew entirely as to his reasoning, I eventually let it go because of the shutter button. I just couldn’t get on with no half press... I set up back button focusing but still wasn’t for me..

I’ve stuck with my Pen-F and EM-1 mkII for the time being, although I am looking at adding the Fuji XT2 or 3 if I can stretch to it.

@andrew... that must be insured for around 15k surely?
Sorry @damianmkv ..... I have man flu and i’m missing the 13 years ref.....
Never mind.....TBH I never noticed the tag anyway.

Gandalf, yes not far off, the whole lot was valued at around £14k (replacement value).
Never mind.....TBH I never noticed the tag anyway.

Gandalf, yes not far off, the whole lot was valued at around £14k (replacement value).

Of course you didn't because you weren't tagged :D

Just amusing if the other guy sees it after 13yrs shot of this place.

Expecting my 12-40 2.8 today, hopefully a nice copy from mpb, have had various levels of quality from them in the past, had to send a couple back. Fingers crossed
If you get a good one (like mine) Keith, it really is a beautiful lens - small, light, great range and excellent close focus capabilities.
If you get a good one (like mine) Keith, it really is a beautiful lens - small, light, great range and excellent close focus capabilities.

Hope it's a decent copy, had to return a lens before that was sold as good, but turned up as more than well used I would say. It was grubby as hell, my hand was actually black after checking it out the first time, had to get alcohol wipes to it! They did make up for it though, refunded me a few quid and sent out one that was excellent cond. Hopefully they remember this and send a nice one this time :) The close focus capability is one of the things that attracted me, I can double it up as a macro with attachments, I also like the MF clutch, proper MF is so much better than fly by wire. I might try some astro at some point with it too. I also want to try some video while the kids are still young, and from what I have seen it is one of the best lenses for video AF on M43. Just got an update from DPD, expected to arrive between 3-4pm
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Thanks guys, like I said man flu....

The 12-40 f2.8 is a lovely lens hence why you were after mine Keith... in the end the 12-100 f4 offers that little bit more and has even closer focusing than the 12-40. I wish I could’ve kept both to be honest but not viable.
Thanks guys, like I said man flu....

The 12-40 f2.8 is a lovely lens hence why you were after mine Keith... in the end the 12-100 f4 offers that little bit more and has even closer focusing than the 12-40. I wish I could’ve kept both to be honest but not viable.

The 12-100 looks very nice indeed. I've been mad for the 12-40 for a long while, I should have just gone for it when I bought the 15mm - as nice as that one is, it was too restrictive for me - I discovered I don't tend to shoot very wide all that often and when I do 15mm isn't wide enough. Having a solid all-rounder makes more sense, even if I lose out on some light. If I could have managed it, I'd have both
Until the Fuji X-T5X Plus gets the same sensor tech...
Young Jay at lunchtime with the EM1 MK II and 40-150 F2.8 (no teleconverter - left at home). This was the longest lens I had with me at the time. Wide open at F2.8 and ISO 1000

(also in the bird section)
Young Jay at lunchtime with the EM1 MK II and 40-150 F2.8 (no teleconverter - left at home). This was the longest lens I had with me at the time. Wide open at F2.8 and ISO 1000

(also in the bird section)

Cracker! I think if I got that lens my wee set up would be complete. That and the 12-40 are all I would ever really need, maybe the TC too
Question Guys,

I have the Olympus 30mm f3.5 Macro, which is great. But I’m looking for a longer length macro. I realise if I go with the Canon or Nikon Macro’s I will need an adapter and will only get manual focus but that’s ideal for macro work anyway. Should I consider looking at the sigma also? I was had the Tamron SP90 when I used Sony but I can’t find it in a m4/3 format. Any experience with these lenses could you let me know strengths and weaknesses.
Question Guys,

I have the Olympus 30mm f3.5 Macro, which is great. But I’m looking for a longer length macro. I realise if I go with the Canon or Nikon Macro’s I will need an adapter and will only get manual focus but that’s ideal for macro work anyway. Should I consider looking at the sigma also? I was had the Tamron SP90 when I used Sony but I can’t find it in a m4/3 format. Any experience with these lenses could you let me know strengths and weaknesses.

What about the Olympus 60mm 2.8? I've heard that's a little cracker, offers a greater working distance than the 30mm and has focus limiting options,, it's got a 1:1 switch that ramps it straight to closest focusing for highly detailed macro, an of course it doubles as an excellent portrait/general purpose lens too. Unless you can get the Nikon/Sigma variants a lot cheaper, and really need the extra length I would go with the Olympus. But, you can get AF for Canon EF lenses if you don't mind adapting. Look into the Viltrox EF-M2, 1/5th the price of a Metabones and does the same thing. It is a focal reducer also, so a 100 2.8 lens would become a 70mm f/2, making it better for general purpose not so much for macro - as you say, you're going to be stopping down quite a bit for that
Question Guys,

I have the Olympus 30mm f3.5 Macro, which is great. But I’m looking for a longer length macro. I realise if I go with the Canon or Nikon Macro’s I will need an adapter and will only get manual focus but that’s ideal for macro work anyway. Should I consider looking at the sigma also? I was had the Tamron SP90 when I used Sony but I can’t find it in a m4/3 format. Any experience with these lenses could you let me know strengths and weaknesses.

The Olympus 60mm is on cash back, before buying one i used my Nikon fit 105 sigma macro, but i like to have AF available when i want it.
The Olympus 60mm F2.8 is a belter of a lens, sharp as a tack, super quick and quiet focusing, and so light and tiny. It also doubles up as a pretty nifty 120mm Portrait lens as well. An absolute steal at the moment at £359.00 with £65.00 casgh back making it only £294.00 new, or WEX currently have 2 second hand minters for only £301 if you don't want to wait for the cashback.
Cracker! I think if I got that lens my wee set up would be complete. That and the 12-40 are all I would ever really need, maybe the TC too

They used to be my lenses, with the TC and a sigma 30 f1.4 . Really good set up but unfortunately had to go..
They used to be my lenses, with the TC and a sigma 30 f1.4 . Really good set up but unfortunately had to go..

It's on my list of wants for the new year, the 40-150, and might grab a fast prime just to have in between.
Just got a 60mm macro last week , stunning lens get one
For anyone interested in the issue with the viewfinder ( fluorescent squiggles) which is apparently the sun burning the viewfinder in strong sunlight.... here is an update,.

I took my camera back to my local photography shop where purchased and the chap there said he hadn't seen this before ( I played ignorant) - he will send it away to Olympus for repair as it is under guarantee and in the interim is happy to lend me an EM1 for free over a weekend if I want to borrow one whilst it is away for repair ( 4 weeks), which is great :D

So a big thumbs up for buying from a local shop...and also they will be offering lessons on how to use all the functionality of the Olympus EM cameras in the new year which could be really useful for me as a beginner...

The chaps in the shop seem very knowledgeable so I am inclined to think that this doesn't happen all that often and I should imagine this this has occurred with my camera as I predominately wear it on my peak capture clip strapped to my rucksack with the viewfinder probably in clear bright sun! So I am going to purchase a Peak Weatherproof cover for the camera ( which I need anyway) and hopefully this will prevent it happening in the future? Does anyone have any other options?


Evening Guys,

GAS got the better of me today.....I went along to WEX to pick up a £20 decoration ring for my Olympus 40-150 f2.8. Got there and it was their Open Day........I know, I can here you all in unison saying “Here gone and bought summit else” Yeah your right all them reps there with all that shiny new gear, I was drawn in and snared... As I left my partner said £1800 !!!! “I thought you had enough Cameras and Lenses”. Hmmm, me don’t think so...
So what did he get I hear you all cry.. well I came away with (All 2nd Hand, I am money conscious after all) a Fuji XT2, Fuji 23mm f2 and Fuji 100-400..(All rated 9+, and they are minty mint). I have just got in and the camera is on charge... The dilemma now will be do I keep all my Olympus Gear ?
Nice choice Andy - had you been looking before your trip ?

I have a fancy for an a7 - problem is I know I really would want an a73 so could I settle for an a72 ? Who knows