On it's way out

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Wasn't sure whether to post this in Nature or here :thinking: Anyway it's a tulip past it's sell by date :D

I'm really looking forward to seeing some of your journey into macro shooting. I reckon there's going to be some very fine images being made and very quickly too.

I actually spent this afternoon playing with some dead flowers in the studio after looking at your "new lens" shots this morning. :)
That's a really lovely shot (y)

If you think that's on it's way out then you obviously haven't seen the "dead zone" as I call it in the B&Q garden section :LOL:
If thats your biggest dilemma you're doing well Donna :D

Nice and unusual image - colours and bg top notch as ever! :D
Thanks guys for your comments - much appreciated as always :D

:LOL: at Flash - I have seen that particular section - it's where I gain all my inspiration from! ;):LOL:

Great shot it is too Darren and thanks for the kind words :D