One cigarette left

I stopped a couple of weeks ago using the Nicorette Nasal Spray.
Hurts like hell the first few times you use it but it goes away in a day or so.
I have found it really good, even though lots of people around me smoke i have not been tempted to have a fag.
Takes a lot of will power though as i have noticed trigger points throughout the day when i could murder a fag.
I stopped a couple of weeks ago using the Nicorette Nasal Spray.
Hurts like hell the first few times you use it but it goes away in a day or so.
I have found it really good, even though lots of people around me smoke i have not been tempted to have a fag.
Takes a lot of will power though as i have noticed trigger points throughout the day when i could murder a fag.

That sounds a bit painful to me.
It has been said that the craving for a cigarette lasts around 7 minutes and if you can just get through that 7 minutes every time you get the craving the gap between them gets bigger. You will get the cravings for a very long time, but it may be a year between each one.

Good Luck
Oh Lord. I've lost track of the number of times I've tried to stop, but I "enjoy" smoking - it's not just about drug addiction, there's a whole messy psychological framework that goes with it - and cigarettes were cheap in South Africa, so there's wasn't any real money saving incentive. My wife has become tolerant. She used to nag, and say "just stop, don't buy any more" but she's realised that it's not so easy for a lot of us.

My record was about a month. People told me the first week, or two, was the worst but it didn't work out like that for me. The first couple of weeks were no problem, but the craving was chewing me up after a month and I just gave up.

I'll try again. I really resent the amount of money this government is creaming off every time I buy smokes, and maybe this will get me through. I must admit that I do have a problem with the constant increases in "sin" taxes, and the state imposed restrictions on a legal activity in private places, and find myself asking why there's no massive sin/obesity tax on soft drinks, sweets and junk food (I don't buy any of these) or sanctions on fat people travelling on aircraft etc. It's bad enough enduring a 12 hour no smoking flight, and further restrictions during the stop overs, but having someone's blubber spilling over into my lap is just about the end!
Good luck fella's!

My missus smokes and I hate it (but like her more!). She stands in the kitchen near the open door which is a great improvement from bieng in the same room. Shes gone from Marlborough reds to lights (still 20 a day).
On the few occassions she's tried to quit, feeling the pressure from us, she went back after a week or so because she didnt really WANT to stop.
She's yet to get to the satge you lot are at where you do want to stop, and are seeking ways/techniques to help.

Best of luck, dont panic and keep at it!
I stopped for 4 years once and the worst thing I ever done was to start again, me and my missus have set a 'stop date' for ourselves on Tuesday though and hoping it will be end of the horrible things once and for all. Good luck to all who are also trying. (y)

I wish you luck although I wish it was me giving up.

20 a day for the last 20 years - I just think about what I could buy with that.

I agree - a stopping smoking thread would be great as I'm going to try when I get back from holiday.
20 a day for the last 20 years - I just think about what I could buy with that.

I don't. There's just no point in it. Rather think about what you could buy in the future with the money you can save by giving up. I know a couple of people who stopped, and put the money into a tin every day. They found the rapidly, and visibly, increasing amount acted as a very strong incentive to stick it out.
Good luck fella's!

My missus smokes and I hate it (but like her more!). She stands in the kitchen near the open door which is a great improvement from bieng in the same room. Shes gone from Marlborough reds to lights (still 20 a day).
On the few occassions she's tried to quit, feeling the pressure from us, she went back after a week or so because she didnt really WANT to stop.
She's yet to get to the satge you lot are at where you do want to stop, and are seeking ways/techniques to help.

Best of luck, dont panic and keep at it!

I do think your wife would benifit from the e cigarette if she doesn't want to stop. It only produces vapour so there is no smell from it and there is really no health risk. She doesn't need to be anti social and stand by the open door and you can even get Marlborough flavoured liquid (not that I think it tastes like Marlborough). And with the savings she makes she can buy yet another pair of shoes that she always wanted. :)
Good luck. 3 years smoke-free here and no intention of going back. What worked for me was basically will power, no fancy gadgets or schemes. And if I can do it, anyone can! I just decided one night in the pub that I was going to give up. Think I had 3 fags left in the packet when I got home and rather than chuck 'em away (why add to the pressure of giving up and make it harder for yourself?? Anyway, they were paid for!) I smoked them the next morning, when I felt like it. No pressure. Then I decided not to buy another packet. For every reason that then entered my head as to why I wanted a smoke, I would counter it with logic. For example, if I thought I needed a fag to reduce stress, I would point out to myself that in fact, smoking is proven to increase stress levels. Furthermore, I told myself that I coped for many years without ciggies, so I didn't need them now. Just simple stuff like that. Realising and convincing myself that I only wanted a fag because I was addicted and not because I needed them was pivotal for me I think. Don't get me wrong, it was difficult for a couple of weeks but the crux came at a mate's barbeque where the drink was flowing. I told myself that if I could get hammered and not smoke, I'd won. I managed not to, despite temptation, and that, I think, was it - I was a non-smoker. No more cravings, no more missing a smoke. Food tasted better, clothes didn't stink anymore, hangovers were less painful, I had more money in my pocket and soon felt fitter. Being an active mountain biker/runner/hill walker I noticed fitness improvements very quickly.

Things I learnt, which helped me enormously:
1. You have to want to give up, not just do it because you think you should (tried that, failed every time)
2. Don't put undue pressure on yourself by imposing unrealistic/unachievable goals. If you really really really really want a fag, have one. Then give up again the next day.
3. You do not need to smoke, no matter what you think - you never ever need to smoke a cigarette
4. Everything is better when you don't smoke
4. More money in your pocket = more camera stuff

Apologies if I've gone on a bit, but I hope this helps someone somewhere at least!
right Darran I smoke Golden virginia which is 11quid for a 50g poch and go through about 1 n a half a week so thats £16.50 a week for me saved do you smoke readymade or baccy

Get hold of a big bottle and drop £2 or so in the bottle every day - it'll soon start adding up.

Find out all the smoking related illnesses and read up on them. Lung Cancer is probably the most publicised of them but there are so many others that can be far worse.

Too late now but don't save one to be your last fag. Get rid of everything smoking related in the house - maybe keep a lighter for the fire or bonfires but get rid of the ashtrays.

For a while, ask any smoking friends not to smoke in your house. It's far to easy to stand just downwind to get the drifting wisp!

Try anything you can to wean you off. Patches, e-tabs, gum, whatever. It might help.

Breathe! Taste! (But beware of the weight gain - food tastes so much better that it's easy to eat way too much!) Get out and exercise a bit - walking, cycling, anything to keep you busy and to stop you thinking about smoking.

Good luck with it.
I am really suprised 13hrs since I quit and never craved once, its normally the first thing I need in a morning, but today I just got up had a coffee and took BT to work just forgot about them
My wife & i both stopped cold in feb,we had 1 cig left & we decided thats it.
If you have the will power you can do it,it is brilliant being able to breath easy after many years of smoking.
It gets easier everyday,just keep telling yourself how much better you feel,you dont stink anymore,dont cave in.:)(y):clap::clap:
I am really suprised 13hrs since I quit and never craved once, its normally the first thing I need in a morning, but today I just got up had a coffee and took BT to work just forgot about them

Well done Pete, keep it up (y)
I've still not had call back for the NHS quit line.
I'll give them until 5pm (the time they stated) then I will call them
Write off two weeks of your life just giving up and feeling miserable then the rest of your life your free. Then with all the places that you can't smoke these days, even when you miss it it's going to be less aggravation than you have to go through every day as a smoker not being able to light up. I've been off them for 4 years and go for weeks even months without even thinking about it at all. I can't imagine ever being that foolish again.
Sorry i havent read the whole thread, i suggest you down load the quit keeper, its amazing how it helps just fill in the details and it will help, link..

These are my states below, you can see what i mean.I used the gum and patches to quit, best thing i have ever done, good luck.

I have been quit for 3 Years, 9 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 8 hours, 46 minutes and 4 seconds (1,389 days). I have saved £5,210.11 by not smoking 20,840 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Months, 1 Week, 3 Days, 8 hours and 40 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 13/12/2005 10:04
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To quote George W Bush......

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


:LOL::LOL::LOL: just gorrit
You heard anything yet Darren.......

No call back so I called them and they were closed.
Too be fair, the NHS website does say they wil call back within 48 hours but I will call them first thing Monday morning.
I also have an appointment with my GP on Tuesday so I will discuss champix with her.
Good luck, I gave up 3 years ago with the use of chewing gum.

Hope you manage it too :)
So far so good with no craving yet, I do appear to have a healthy appetite though:LOL:
Good luck - I've had plenty of attempts to pack in the weed, but yet to succeed
Good luck Pete (y)
Giving up is easy (I've done it loads of times :D)

Last time I tried the "gum" and found it was costing me more than the fags
Gave up giving up yet again
Am I the only electronic cigarette user on here? :shrug:

Has anybody else tried them?
BRILL SOMEONE USE THEM.....what (y)are they like

I bought my first one about 8 weeks ago, but I didn't do my research very well to start with and nearly got put off. Now I am very happy that I have got the ones that suit me and understand their limitations.
I was a twenty a day man and the last couple of days I have only smoked 2 a day and didn't even finish those, I just wanted my e cigarette.
If you get the right ones they are very satisfying, producing a lot of vapour and lovely flavours. The first cartridges I used didn't have enough flavour or provide the kick that tobacco does, but I started to buy the liquid refills and tried different flavours until I got some that I really enjoy. I have been a smoker for 46 years and have tried to give up on a number of occasions without success. I am confident that the e cigarette is the answer for me.

As yet I haven't decided how or even if I want to give these up, but as they eliminate the health issues, dont smell, give me satisfaction at a fraction of the cost of tobacco I may as well continue to enjoy my new found pleasure.

If you want to consider this option I would be happy to advise on the best ones to get and the best liquid refills to use.

I bought my first one about 8 weeks ago, but I didn't do my research very well to start with and nearly got put off. Now I am very happy that I have got the ones that suit me and understand their limitations.
I was a twenty a day man and the last couple of days I have only smoked 2 a day and didn't even finish those, I just wanted my e cigarette.
If you get the right ones they are very satisfying, producing a lot of vapour and lovely flavours. The first cartridges I used didn't have enough flavour or provide the kick that tobacco does, but I started to buy the liquid refills and tried different flavours until I got some that I really enjoy. I have been a smoker for 46 years and have tried to give up on a number of occasions without success. I am confident that the e cigarette is the answer for me.

As yet I haven't decided how or even if I want to give these up, but as they eliminate the health issues, dont smell, give me satisfaction at a fraction of the cost of tobacco I may as well continue to enjoy my new found pleasure.

If you want to consider this option I would be happy to advise on the best ones to get and the best liquid refills to use.


if you could advise us wanting to stop by giving us some info on them that would be great(y)
if you could advise us wanting to stop by giving us some info on them that would be great(y)

These are the people I use

You must remember there will be an initial outlay for the basics, but it is far cheaper than cigarettes in the long run.

I have two types, the Standard and the 510 Titan, both give a good vapour output. The Standard is a larger system and the cartridges are equal to 15 to 18 cigarettes. The batteries will last up to about 8 hours depending how many puffs you take. They look like a cigarette in a holder, but for me it is the most convenient. Car chargers are available. The Titan is a lot smaller, more like a normal cigarette, but the cartridge is only equal to about 5 cigarettes and the battery lasts about 4 hours max. I have a case for mine that charges from my computer USB and a battery can be charged in the case about four times, but you do need to change the cartridges fairly often
as they are fairly small.

I found that the prefilled tobaco flavoured cartridges for both were a bit to mild and didn't satisfy, so I use the liquid refills which are much cheaper and provide stronger flavours. French PIpe is my favourite, but you can buy 5ml botles to try them out.

Also remember that atomizers have a limited life and probably need changing monthly or two monthly. These work out at about £4 each, not a lot compared with cigarette costs.

Please ask if you need to know more.

Edit.. The liquid comes in various nicotene strengths. I have started on the strong so that the craving for the e cigarette was as much or higher than the tobacco. I can always reduce the level when I am totally off the tobacco.
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The trick is...routine. Stick to the same routines but do something else other than smoking.

I stopped cold turkey about 6 years ago now. I stuck to the same 'cig breaks' at work etc but just took a cuppa instead while everyone else had their smokes. The times when I used to have a smoke in the evening, outside, I just stood outside with a cuppa for 5 minutes instead. Apart from one time in the first month of stopping when I was in the pub and very very drunk, I've never felt the need to have another one.

Good luck to everyone who's stopping.

Edited to add that I was a very heavy smoker at the time too and had been for many years. If I can do it.....!
Gave up a year ago just went cold turkey from 20 a day I found it fairly easy to be honest no patches, gum etc.... just will power. Was a health thing for me was smoking golden virgina which i got from a friend who travels to Gibraltar once a week so was costing me peanuts money wise.

I could go back to smoking quite easily I reckon and still takes some will power today to keep me of them I still get cravings as well once every couple of weeks.

Started to keep fit now which I dont think I could have done if I still smoked.

Good luck to everyone its worth it in the end......
I think it's interesting how people who have never smoked say you should just decide to stop and chuck all smoking related stuff away. I gave up for a year and the one thing I had to do was have my baccy available and choose not to smoke it. This made me feel good everytime I chose not to have a smoke rather than feeling all grumpy and deprived because there were no smokes to have.

We started smoking again last year on holiday - I really couldn't tell you why. Intend to stop again starting on a weekday (need routine) and I will be doing it my way - there will be no symbolic throwing away of tobacco or burning of rizla! I think the psychology behind it all is really interesting.

Anyway - good luck to all those that are giving up - however you decide to do it (y)