One for the bin! Discuss - what do you consider a keeper?


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Took it earlier, not what I had hoped to get. Bushes are messy. It's strange how out in the field you feel an image is working, and back at just doesn't.

I promise. I will go back, and back and back again, until I nail it :)

LHS bush dominates it. But still love the color and foreground interest you have added. Was the funnel the key piece in this image?
Definitely not one for the bin though!
Not one for the wall by your standards, but definately not for the bin.. except for that litter in the center in the bush?
left hand side is way too dominating.. thought you were a pro.. what were you thinkin man??????? :)
LHS bush dominates it. But still love the color and foreground interest you have added. Was the funnel the key piece in this image?
Definitely not one for the bin though!

Yeah, air traffic control. Already binned :D

I live 5 min away, will go back.

Not one for the wall by your standards, but definately not for the bin.. except for that litter in the center in the bush?
left hand side is way too dominating.. thought you were a pro.. what were you thinkin man??????? :)

Ha, pro. Yeah right.

I just thought I would share my stinker :D Now if only I had taken those logs into the field, and I dunno....screw it. I am going back :D

I have updated the thread title. So, what do people consider a keeper then? Surely if a photo does not make you at least I dunno, 90% happy, then it should be chucked and a reattempt made?

Think bin implies 'no artistic merit' or 'something seriously wrong'. Your definition to yourself is 'Could be made even better' and thats why its not one for the bin :) Truth is that lotso peeps would be proud of this.

But then again you are THE LEGEND campervan edinburgh gary and I would agree you have produced some even more kickass shots :)

Its cool to see this side of the cutting room floor. That you pro standard peeps dont just walk up, wink at god to organise the scenery, snap then strut off :LOL:
Think bin implies 'no artistic merit' or 'something seriously wrong'. Your definition to yourself is 'Could be made even better' and thats why its not one for the bin :) Truth is that lotso peeps would be proud of this.

But then again you are THE LEGEND campervan edinburgh gary and I would agree you have produced some even more kickass shots :)

Its cool to see this side of the cutting room floor. That you pro standard peeps dont just walk up, wink at god to organise the scenery, snap then strut off :LOL:


Dude. :bonk: :help:

Dunno what to say. I think you have me confused with someone else :)

I didnt mean the logs... looks like a carrier bag in there?

Ohhh sorry now I understand. No what I meant, was ignoring the rubbish - I should have taken the logs elsewhere and recreated a nicer scene :)

Dare I (who knows comparitively little :() suggest that maybe there's just too much going on in that shot for it to really work anyway :shrug:!?

The main subject (the ATC tower) is very distant and doesn't dominate the scene or get to show off it's very understated curves and interestingly patterned surface. The bushes in the mid-ground do act as a frame, of sorts, but they are (IMO) pretty ugly and those foreground logs look suspiciously as if they'd just been put there specifically to act as foreground interest for a photograph :cautious: (that's not an accusation, BTW, Gary ;)).

Finally, the two opposing gradients of the sloping wall and the sloping bank, seem to add further to the levels of "confusion" in the image.

I think that most of the different elements in the picture have their place, but just not all together like that. That said, you've done a great job with the camera (focus, exposure and image processing), which is reason enough to save it from the recycle bin :).
I'm with you Gary - if it's not right, why have it taking up any disc space at all :shrug:

I know there are plenty who espouse keeping images as DVDs & even additional harddrives are cheap these days, but do you really want to look back over 20,000 'ok' at best shots in 10 years time - would you ever have the time or motivation to do so even ???

I just had a fab 3 days in the Lakes, and took over 600 images which will probably edit down to my fav 20-30 or so and the rest will be binned

As for this image... I have to agree with Naboo32 that it just doesn't look like working from that angle. It's like a tower shot, but where the subject is way too small in the frame, or it's a hedge shot with an annoying tower in it; reshoot by all means, but not from there for me


Thanks guys, thats a trick I need to develop for out and about. Finding balance and depth, and mastering a good composition, is tricky. I often think about taking a "photo sized box" and peering through it to help me. I honestly thought it was gonna be a corker of a shot, and I got home and nearly headbutted the screen :D

Thanks guys, thats a trick I need to develop for out and about. Finding balance and depth, and mastering a good composition, is tricky. I often think about taking a "photo sized box" and peering through it to help me. I honestly thought it was gonna be a corker of a shot, and I got home and nearly headbutted the screen :D


I thought only people from Glasgow did that :D.
I honestly thought it was gonna be a corker of a shot, and I got home and nearly headbutted the screen :D


That's very common in the early days m8 - and why I now have a perfectly flat forehead ;)

You have to learn to disassociate your 'enthusiasm' for a shot from your mind's technical eye. If the latter is happy it's worth doing, then let the passion & enthusiasm flow and fire away from every which way you can - well that's how I do it anyway


Oh and the 'picture box thing' - we old'uns were taught to use our hands for that. Stick your thumbs up, point your index fingers out - then flip one hand on top of the other to give a good rectangle - you can even zoom in & out by moving your hands to & from your eye (y)

That's very common in the early days m8 - and why I now have a perfectly flat forehead ;)

You have to learn to disassociate your 'enthusiasm' for a shot from your mind's technical eye. If the latter is happy it's worth doing, then let the passion & enthusiasm flow and fire away from every which way you can - well that's how I do it anyway


Oh and the 'picture box thing' - we old'uns were taught to use our hands for that. Stick your thumbs up, point your index fingers out - then flip one hand on top of the other to give a good rectangle - you can even zoom in & out by moving your hands to & from your eye (y)


Awesome! I have PICTURE BOX HANDS :D


I agree with Naboo32.

What about cropping off the bottom from about where the grassy bank hits the right hand edge of the frame?