One of my daughter from today

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Still getting to grips with my new body and nifty, so heres one from today taken at a beach park in Worthing. The harsh sunlight at 11am was awful to work with but i managed to grab this inside a wooden cubby hole type thing. Was quite pleased with it.

_DSC3458 by doublemint7600, on Flickr
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Excellent shot of a very intense young girl.
I like the positioning, but you need to clone in the bright crack showing the sky. You could use the dark strip further down.
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What he said, also there are two small specks above her top lip 1 bright 1 dark just a little distracting.

Great capture! Such a relaxed feel to it. Well done. Do feel the sky requires cloning as mentioned as if distracts a little... But not much!
Thanks for the comments everyone its much appreciated. I didn't even think about the sky or lip, but now its been said it is distracting so has to go. I will do an edit later.

I did use a bit of fill flash but it was a bit too much really, but luckily i shot this in raw and was easily able to recover. My son is in the shot to the right too but because i used such a shallow dof he was oof which is why i had to crop him out sadly.
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lovely...and its really good that you didnt center her in the frame..well done