One of my first portraits from a while back

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This was one of my first portraits taken when I first started to enjoy photography and its still my favourite for many different reasons, it was taken before I had mastered my DSLR ( I probably still am), I don't mind comments either :)

Untitled by Nichola Jane, on Flickr
I really like low key shots...including this one. For me, they always seem to bring out an extra dimension to the subject that you don't get any other way.
Hi Nicky,

Mono really suits this one, and I do like the contrasty shadows. Far more interesting than straight, flat lighting.
I also find the way that he's staring off to the side intriguing - I really want to know what he's looking at. I'm not a huge fan of cheesy stare straight down the lens poses, so this appeals to me.

The one thing that's sitting a bit awkwardly with me though is the crop. I feel like I want it to be either wider to include his elbows and all of his head or a bit tighter at the bottom so that it looks like more of a deliberate choice to crop those bits off. At the moment it's kind of sat in the middle between the two, if you know what I mean.

I'd be really interested to know why it's your favourite shot.
Thank you Ged, Sarah I get everything you are saying I wish I could turn back time and add in what he was leaning on - also there is a little bit at the top of his head that I can see now its been pointed out to me, I love the way his eyes shifted and I too do not like full eyes on the camera very posed shots I love portraits that do not look like they are just posing and a little more natural - I hope I have improved on my crops and also framing since then. I had this one framed for his parents and its my favourite because he is a special little boy who lost his Daddy not long after this - so it reminds me of how baby and innocent he was, also now he is a gangly 8 year old who won't stay still long enough for me to capture him again :)