One of my staff has been offered a job at Venture

Andrea Lane
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My lovely part time photographer has been offered a job at Venture. She went for a part time job that they advertised for admin and they've offered her a full time job as a photographer.

She has worked for me 18 months part time and I can't offer her a full time job yet. She passed her exams with a triple distinction. She gets on really well with my daughters who all work for me too. She's fantastic, lovely girl and I don't want to stand in the way of her if it's a good career progression. She doesn't want to go either but I will encourage her if people think its a good thing.

So has anyone worked for them? What are they like to work for? Will she have any leeway for creativity? How binding are their employment contracts? Do they progress people? Is there opportunity for career progression. Are they a franchise?

Truth please!
I don't want to stand in the way of her if it's a good career progression. She doesn't want to go either but I will encourage her if people think its a good thing.

You sound more like her mum :)
Dunno bout working for them, but Il be honest in saying that the only stuff I've seen from them are pretty samey, but depends on what the client wants I guess. If that's what a portfolio shows, that's the type of client you will book. Wish her all the best though. Just hope she gets to use some creativity and flair.
If I was as happy with her as you seem to be and she enjoyed working for me then i would be working hard to hold onto her.....Perhaps you can offer as much if not more than what Venture can. Maybe not immediatley but long term.
Would it not be a shame to let her go then possibly have regrets at not offering her a long term career?
Obviously she will do what she feels best for herself and you can only wish her luck if she is convinced that the move is better for her.
I would love to be in the position of being able to offer her the same as Venture but I'm not at the moment. Not making enough to pay myself yet. :( It will come but I suspect not soon enough for her.

I want to know if I will be sending her to a good employer. I don't want her to be unhappy.
Venture are franchises, so unless anyone knows all about the particular one she is going to then there's not a lot to be said really.
she`s gonna go anyway as they are offering a full time job which you cant, you cant offer anything more then offer her the chance to come back if it doesn`t work out?
I used to work for them. The ones I worked for were great for experience and building skills. They have an in house training and they wont let you go it alone until you have passed their standards.

She will also learn the business, viewing and editing. Of the people I work with when I was with them, none of them are still there, since they have either gone in to their own studios or changed careers.

Each Venture work differently so I can only tell you how I found it at my two. It is creative and she will learn a hell of a lot.

Good luck to her and I'm sure you will be able to help someone else who would like to get their foot on the rung with your studio.

Very best wishes

If she goes, keep in touch and when you are in a position to take her on she can leave and join you.

She'll have her own terms of employment so it may be worth reading through them with her and making sure everything is above board.

My only experience of venture is of them in shopping centres and informing their people that I don't require their services.
One of my lecturers worked for them and says it was the worst job she has ever done. Long hours, not exactly great pay, no prospects, always have to be smiling and full of life , zero creative input and always milking the customer for a sale, even when you can tell they really can't afford the products.

Of course that could just be the branch she worked in.

Well, maybe other than the creative input, there's only so much you can do with a white background after all!
Encourage her, let her go to fulfil her destiny. If things go sour for her remind her that she always has a home at your place. :)