"One of these things is not like the others..." Which do you prefer, and why?

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I'm in a Flickr group called Macro Mondays which sets a weekly subject. This week's subject was "One of these things is NOT like the others" and below are my two shots that I took for the theme. As only one entry is permitted, I ended up choosing the first image below as it just seemed to grab my eye more when I was comparing them. I do like the other one a lot as well though (it's got more contrast in the shadows and the DOF on the tile that is in focus is less pronounced), so I'm curious as to which shot other people would have picked of the two? Thanks.


One of these things is not like the others
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr


116-366 2016 - One of these things is not like the others
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Macro Mondays is a great group, really friendly and encouraging. I did quite a lot of their themes last year but haven't had time to do much this year, I might actually try something tonight now you have reminded me.

I think that your idea was a good choice for the theme, to answer your question, I would have chose the first one as well. The second one doesn;'t match the theme quite as well for me (probably becasue the bottom O is so out of focus.
I think the second one fits the brief better - as it is only the X that is in focus, rather than the line of three.