[OnlinePhotog]Getty Claiming Copyright to National Archives Images and Selling Them


Edit My Images
By Bob Shell

It seems that Getty Images learned a few years ago that they could buy 4x5 negatives of images from the US National Archives for $5 each. They bought thousands. Now they are selling these same images through their stock agency and claiming copyright on them. The vast majority of the images in the National Archives were taken by government employees and are public domain.

As public domain images, these images belong to us, the U.S. public. Getty, or anyone else, has absolutely no right to claim copyright to these images and sell them.

We need to spread the word on this, and any of Getty's customers who have paid to license such images should demand an immediate and full refund.

Posted by: BOB SHELL

Thanks for that! it could be very usefull! I know someone that is in a leagle wrangle with Getty over the use of an image that bares "some minor resemblance" to an image they claim to hold the copyright to.