OOD films

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Is there any shop which sells OOD films? Or is 7DS sale the only real hope?
I am looking for some Porta and Provia at a cheaper price.
Ebay, but its usually just as expensive because they sell it for lomo use. only OOD bargains i've ever had are from 7DS.
Go into a proper camera shop, I just bought a roll of Fomapan and Acros for a £1 each, they had loads of other stuff as well, no Portra though as I would have bought it :D
one more question : has anyone used the Ektar 100 35mm colour film? How is it. Is it very vivid and contrasty, hence not good for portraits; or is it good for general use - both landscape and portrait.
For OOD film try going into Jessops, usually they keep their film so long that it goes out of date, plus from what I have heard you can ask for a discount as its OOD, they usually try to charge full price.
one more question : has anyone used the Ektar 100 35mm colour film? How is it. Is it very vivid and contrasty, hence not good for portraits; or is it good for general use - both landscape and portrait.

Personally, I really like the Ektar 100 - it's fairly neutral as far as I can see 0 certainly not as wild as the fuji stuff, and a bit less warm than the cheaper Kodak. I'd definitely call it a all-rounder to be honest, not one of your light, bright and ethereal portrait films like Portra, but not in-your-face either - just a good, all round film (y)

Couple of examples...

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