Answered Oops! We ran into some problems.

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Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please wait 10 hour(s) before submitting new feedback for this user.

"10 hours" - "this user" ... Did I miss something somewhere! :thinking:
No idea Roger, but I see you have left feedback now.
No idea Roger, but I see you have left feedback now.
Have I? :thinking:

So I have ... didn't get anything except the above error message, :)
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So I have ... didn't get anything except the above error message
This has happened before, in the past, someone leaves feedback and gets an error message,
but the feedback went through...
No idea what or why and thankfully its a very rare occurrence.

edit FYI feedback was timed at 08:00 ( in case you can't see that bit)
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This always happens to me. I think it's probably something to do with browser security settings and or a cookie.

I have my security settings very high and allow very few cookies and redirects . . .
I should have been a bit clearer:

When I leave feedback it always comes up with the error message, but if I then check to see if it has been left; it has.