Options for Disneyland Paris

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We are taking the kids to Disneyland Paris next year (will be 6 and 4 by then).

I wondering what kit to take with me:

Either canon 6d

Or Canon m.

If I take the m I'd take the kit lens and 22mm. However I'm not sure I'd miss a telephone lens.

If I take my canon 6d I'd take my 17-40, 24-105 and 70-300.

I do have the option of taking the EF to M adaptor and then taking the 70-300L lens.

I'm currently thinking of just taking the Canon m so I don't have to carry my 6d, but I think I'll miss having a telephoto lens as would like to take some shots of the characters during the parades.

I do have the option of taking the EF to M adaptor and then taking the 70-300L lens. I could therefore maybe take this on one day and leave it in the hotel for the other days.

Or I could pick up a second hand 55-200mm M lens. I don't think I'd use it after the trip so would probably resell it on, so hopefully would be of minimal cost.

I just wondered what people think would be the best option?

I want to ensure we make the most of the holiday but also that we capture memories of it.
We went many years ago and I took my 300D and 18-55 lens and most of the time, was perfect length - be mindful it'll be busy and you really want to enjoy yourself, not lug round lots of camera gear.

Probably for ease and portability, I'd take the M with kit lens - what size is this ?
How much / what physical size is the 55-200 M lens - if not expensive and compact, i'd opt for this...

We went this summer and I took my d90 with the Tamron 17-50 and xf1. Used the d90 most.

On most rides you can take you bags with you. I had my rug sack with my d90 and a camcorder, some snacks and water bottles in the outside pockets.

We went many years ago and I took my 300D and 18-55 lens and most of the time, was perfect length - be mindful it'll be busy and you really want to enjoy yourself, not lug round lots of camera gear.

Probably for ease and portability, I'd take the M with kit lens - what size is this ?
How much / what physical size is the 55-200 M lens - if not expensive and compact, i'd opt for this...
Thanks for your feedback. The M itself isn't really any bigger than a compact camera when it doesn't have a lens on. When it does obviously it's a bit bigger but it's still very light.

The 55-200 obviously isn't small but is compact given the focal range. Again it would be a lot lighter than my current 70-300.

We are hoping to go to dinner at inventions for the character dinning experience. I could see the low light ability of the 6d being very useful for that so I'm kind of in two minds which to take

We went this summer and I took my d90 with the Tamron 17-50 and xf1. Used the d90 most.

On most rides you can take you bags with you. I had my rug sack with my d90 and a camcorder, some snacks and water bottles in the outside pockets.

It's probably not taking backs on rides that's the problem - as we're are only likely to go on rides that are suitable for our 4 and 6 year olds anyway. It's probably more having to carry it all day when the kids are going to want to be running around / over excited etc!
Last time we went took a Nex 5 and not an slr. It's busy/tiring enough without having to worry about heavy camera gear.
We went to Disneyland Paris this summer, we were far too worried about having a good time than taking photos so the Canon Powershot S110 we have was more than enough. I wouldn't want to trapse anything around too heavy as it can be a long day.
Travel as light as possible and enjoy the trip with the family first and foremost. I haven't been to any theme parks recently as my kids are now grown up, but I assume that any pictures are generally gonna be snaps of the family for memories. Your Canon M and a couple of lenses will do the job fine IMO.
We were there couple of weeks ago and I took my 6D, 35mm f/2 IS and 24-105mm f/4. I also took my Sony NEX as a backup but didn't use it at all as I was comfortable with carrying a dslr. Whilst out the 24-105mm was more than adequate as a single lens solution, for indoor the 35mm was a fast and light alternative. I agree with the others, try and travel light and most importantly have fun!
6D with 35mm prime for some snaps of kids. Dismayland is all copyright and trademark protected so I wouldn't even think about anything other than family snaps.

[Do take some further gear if you plan on doing anything outside their gates in Paris :) ]
We did WDW this summer and i took all my kit bar my 400mm. During days at the parks 24/70 lived on my 6D and apart from once or twice never felt it wasn't long enough*. Also carried the M + 22mm day to day as well as it's small and light. If the 6D went in my day bag then the M came out of a pocket. Never felt burden and was glad to have the quality and as a ruck sack was guaranteed to be with us everywhere it's wasn't a problem to stow away if needed (otherwise it lived on a cross body OP/Tech sling).

*Not relevant to Paris but when we did Animal Kingdom that was the only time i switched out to 70/200 during the safari ride for the extra reach. Then 100L for the bird enclosures and whatnot.
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Thanks for all your comments. Will have a think of what to take - I think a telephoto might not be necessary but I might like the quality of the 6d for low light shots of the kids indoors when we do the character dinning. Yes it will basically just be for family snaps for memories.
think a telephoto might not be necessary but I might like the quality of the 6d for low light shots of the kids indoors when we do the character dinning.

Take it with the 24-105 then and enjoy yourself...

Whatever you do decide to take, have a great time and I hope the kids really enjoy it :) both the little and big kids :D
Take it with the 24-105 then and enjoy yourself...

Whatever you do decide to take, have a great time and I hope the kids really enjoy it :) both the little and big kids :D
Yes both the big and little kids I'm sure will enjoy themselves.

We haven't actually told the little kids yet as otherwise they are going to be asking if we are doing to Disney today. Or "Mickey Land" as my 3 year old calls it!
I'm planning on going early next year and I'll probably take my 6D and 24-70, my iPhone 6s (when it gets here) and maybe a Ricoh theta, I think the theta will be great in a place like Disneyland.
That is the other possibility ie take both the 6d and m :) If I did this though I would intend on only taking one out at once rather than taking loads of stuff out with me!
Depends what bag you will be taking? I'll be using a lowepro photo hatchback 22, it will easily fit my camera in plus the theta and even a small prime but I'd rather keep my wallet/phone in there instead because you can only access it from the back. I'm sure it would fit both your cameras in too.
I took a D800 and 24-120 last year. Used a Black Rapid strap and didn't really notice the weight.
How long are you going for? If for a few days take both and uses each on different days.
How long are you going for? If for a few days take both and uses each on different days.
5 days, 4 nights so would definitely have time to take different cameras on different days. We are staying in the Disneyland hotel so wouldn't be far to nip back if I did want to change in the day
Depends what bag you will be taking? I'll be using a lowepro photo hatchback 22, it will easily fit my camera in plus the theta and even a small prime but I'd rather keep my wallet/phone in there instead because you can only access it from the back. I'm sure it would fit both your cameras in too.
That's the point though. Really I don't want to have to carry that much at once
5 days, 4 nights so would definitely have time to take different cameras on different days. We are staying in the Disneyland hotel so wouldn't be far to nip back if I did want to change in the day

In that case take both. There were some days when I took the xf1 and due to the low light I wished I had the d90.