Orange Broadband speeds

Depends on distance from the exchange.

I would check what your sync speed is - you will normally get about 85% of your sync speed (eg my sync is about 9500 but my download speed is normally about 8mb/s).

I live about 1km from the exchange but my line length is nearer 2km.
Depends on distance from the exchange.

but not exclusively down to that. it can vary hugely on the quality of the copper cable between you and the exchange also.

example as the crow flies im under a mile from my exchange however only get 2mbps on a good day. i suspect largely down to the cruddy cabling in the flat or overhead cables or other cabinet.

find you local exchange here -
also worth checking thats just popped into my head (no caffine yet)..

make sure your router and associated cabling is away from any sources of electrical noise. this can include but not exclusively - fridges (motors), microwaves, cordless phones, power transformers.
but not exclusively down to that. it can vary hugely on the quality of the copper cable between you and the exchange also.

example as the crow flies im under a mile from my exchange however only get 2mbps on a good day. i suspect largely down to the cruddy cabling in the flat or overhead cables or other cabinet.

find you local exchange here -

Have you checked your noise margin?

I had a lot of problems a while back with being given a very high noise margin of about 18db which meant I only got 4mb/s rather than the 8mb/s I would expect for the 30db attenuation shown on my router stats.

This seems to have been resolved now and my margin is a much more reasonable 6db so I get a reasonable speed for my line length based on an average attenuation of 15db/km.

Also I found that my sky box had been plugged into the phone line and that had caused some problems.

I have disconnected the ring wire also and have my router plugged into the "test" socket so minimising any interference.
what speed braodband are you paying for,
i pay for 20meg and get about 18meg.
this was mine just done slow tonight.
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what speed braodband are you paying for,
i pay for 20meg and get about 18meg.
this was mine just done slow tonight.

It's the line quality/length that governs the speed rather than the "speed you are paying for".
My line is about 2km so I am never going to get reasonable speeds till the upgrade to FTTC but the download speed I get normally matches the BRAS rate of 8000 that I have been allocated at the exchange. Luckily most of my usage usage is off peak (evenings & weekends) when there is less congestion on the network.


Via Athens server;

Compared to


Via Maidenhead which is considerably closer.

I know I could change to a Virgin fibreoptic connection but after the mess assorted contractors have made of roads and my drive, I wouldn't let them near here. besides, what would I do with the 2 seconds the extra speed might save me in a year - not a mass downloader or uploader. Maybe if I was into pirated movies, music etc but for my normal use, what I've got and get is just fime. Yup, I'm alright, Jack so live with it!)
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