Orange Tip Butterfly Red Damselfly ? New Bud

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Hi all

been out to Potteric Carr today & last weekend , enjoying the good weather whilst it's here !

Went mainly in search of butterflies...not too many about but really pleased with this Orange Tip..

Natures Patterns by llj666, on Flickr

Red Damselfly ...I think

DSC_0401 by llj666, on Flickr

Not sure what type of bud this is but kinda like it...

DSC_0380 by llj666, on Flickr

Thanks For looking.....crit welcome as hope to spend more time this year butterfly chasing (y)
Lovely set I like the hint of orange in 1
Top drawer set Lynne. Nothing not to like about all of these.
great photo no1
can i ask what lens you used for this shot as i have a d7000
very impressive,
I like them all but #1 is absolutely stunning

Aww..thanks , certainly the best wild butterfly shot I've ever managed

Lovely set I like the hint of orange in 1
Cheers..was hoping he'd spread his wings but he was being stubborn !

Lovely Images, no 1 is superb!

Thanks Matt (y)

Top drawer set Lynne. Nothing not to like about all of these.

Cheers Alby... really value your comment having admired the high quality of your macro (y)

Good set, the Orange Tip is very nice.

Thanks (y)

great photo no1
can i ask what lens you used for this shot as i have a d7000
very impressive,

Cheers....used my Tamron 90mm macro..fab little lens (y)
That Orange Tip is a cracking shot. Great BG and loads of detail too:)
You should be pleased with the male Orange Tip image, it's a stunner! I'm pretty sure the bud is that of an Oxeye Daisy.
That Orange Tip is a cracking shot. Great BG and loads of detail too:)

Thanks...quite pleased with myself :)

You should be pleased with the male Orange Tip image, it's a stunner! I'm pretty sure the bud is that of an Oxeye Daisy.

Cheers Nigel & thanks for naming the bud.....really like how that turned out

Lovely shots Lynne and that bud is quite interesting...

Thanks gbm (y)

Nice shots.

It is a Large Red - the legs are black. The Small has red legs.

Thanks for the ID on the damsel fly.....I'll remember that when I'm out shooting them again (y)