Orange Tip re-visited.

Do you wear a butterfly spray or something as you seem to attract them well.
No 3 looks the best for me.
Well done (y)
No I was just sat out this afternoon and when I looked across at the table it was just landing on my light meter. Managed to get a couple of shots before it flew off and landed on one of the plants I was potting up. My favourite is the third photograph.
#3 is my fav to and the only one in good focus but as you have said if they are grab shots you have done well.
Quick shots is all you have with these sensitive creatures.
Quick shots is all you have with these sensitive creatures.

Barry I do hope you take this the right way... but could you give me a clue at what you are after, do you want critique on your images to help you improve or are you just showing what you have managed to get and are completely happy with that.

I don't mind either way, if you want to improve sure many of us on here can help with that.

Maybe a suggestion put some description with your shots to tell us what you did and what you want from us, if you only want "Great shot" then let us know sure many will oblige.

Of course butterflies are notoriously skittish but you can get better shots in the time depending on your circumstance, kit etc...
Hi Tintin124 thank you for what you are asking and i am happy showing what i have taken. If anyone is interested in looking at my photographs and adding a comment, thats fine. I am no Pro i just like taking the best what i feel is the best at the time. Looking at a lot of photographs on this site they are of great distinction and deserve the best critiquing, where others are just photographs taken for pleasure. But everyone who places a photograph are very special to them.So again please except my thanks.