Orb Spider.

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Another first for me :) My first effort at Focus stacking.
Not the best of poses or enviroments,but would like to get some opinions if I'm going in the right direction :shrug:
4 Images stacked
ISO 100


Thanks for looking...
Nice picture lovely and crisp .. Just did a quick google on stacking is it easy to do .. Do you have to change each f stop manually if so would this not increase the chance of camera shake and how long would it take ..
You keep the f stop the same for all shots,as you are so close the focus plain is very small (thin) so you move the camera after each shot forward or backward to get a different part of the subject in focus in each shot,so you should end up when stacked together with a image that is in perfect focus from front to back.
I do hope that is all technically correct what I just wrote :thinking: as mentioned its my first proper go.
I used the Helicon software for the stacking,a sturdy tripod and focusing rails.
Hope this helps...
Yep so u just have to keep it as still as u can while moving back and forth if that makes sence and let the program stitch them all together
I've never done any stacking so I can't comment other than it's a fine shot with bags of detail.
A great shot super details just a shame that the front legs are cropped off.
Thanks everybody for the positive comments.
Definately addictive is macro..:) I now find myself looking at everyting in a totally different light now..