Out of Sync?

Andy Jones
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Somebody please tell me... is this 2008 or 1978?

Why oh why oh why is something as simple as sync'ing a calendar between 3 devices such an impossible thing?

I've got 2 pc's here, both running Vista and my newly acquired iPod Touch, all I want to do is share calendar info between the 3. One PC is operated by my wife and we use Windows Calendar to keep family stuff, her work hours, etc. and share the calendar over the network. I maintain a similar calendar for work stuff, also shared. It's great, a big (y)

So I thought, wouldn't it be useful if I could sync that info with my iPod Touch so I can check things when I'm out, add appointments, etc..

Not a chance. I could spend £000's on Office 2007 for both machines but I'm happy with Open Office. Google Calendar doesn't sync and I need a WiFi connection to just view a schedule, can't even edit it. Hell, adding a new appt. doesn't even let you set the time - if you add one it's happening right now, this minute or not at all :(

Don't suppose anyone has found a solution - I don't mind changing the s/w on the PC's as long as I can a) import the existing .ics files and b) doesn't involve Outlook (bleugh)?
The only way i can get my iphone, laptop, desktop and ipaq to all sing off the same hymn sheet is to use outlook.

Sorry :( but it seems to be the only reliable way to do it.
I got it working :woot:

I found an app for the Touch/iPhone called NemusSync that gives 2 way sync with google and then on the PC I've using Lightning along with a plugin that also offers 2-way sync for google. So google hosts my calendar and I can edit/sync from my PC or Touch and keep it all sync'd :D
nice one.......now why didn't you find that last novemeber, i'd have been able to carry on as I was then :D