"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

woof woof - please suggest a camera with better image quality than the G6 that has the following - I'm not being funny but as Ive said earlier I'm looking to buy a G6

1) Must be small and lighter than a DSLR
2) Must have an EVF
3) Must have similar handling properties to an DSLR
4) Must be able to take high quality images
5) Must have a good range of lightweight lens
6) Must be around £500

Also the following are very desirable for me

1) Variable angle screen
2) Panoramic mode
3) wi-fi connection


The Sony A37 ticks all those boxes - except for wi-fi - but the rear screen resolution is awful and it only tilts up and down. :) But it only costs £200 to £250 (body only if you can find one). Not much in it size wise although the lenses are obviously bigger - but the Alpha primes are still small and light (and 'plasticky'). :)
...I haven't looked at Samsung as they don't appear to be on sale with 200 miles of me. Neither do Fuji's for that matter..
ALL the Fujis were in the window of Wilkinson Cameras when I passed by the other day ... in Carlisle!
Wrong side of the country, hur hurr.
I had a nice time taking crappy test shots. X100S, X-E!, X-Pro1 & 35mm.
G5 too.

So ... try Carlisle?
...and where is Jessops? Shut I think :thinking: :D

I spend a lot of time looking after someone and with that and trying to manage a love life too I don't often get the chance to have a day away from it all to drive / train around the country looking for a camera. I get to Newcastle now and again but in reality that's pretty much the best part of a day gone. The Sony centre there have Nex 6 and I think John Lewis have them to and I think the latter also do Fuji X100 but that's not on my list.

There is the option of buying untried on line if that's why you linked a website but I'd rather try first.
ALL the Fujis were in the window of Wilkinson Cameras when I passed by the other day ... in Carlisle!
Wrong side of the country, hur hurr.
I had a nice time taking crappy test shots. X100S, X-E!, X-Pro1 & 35mm.
G5 too.

So ... try Carlisle?

I go to Kazakhstan more than Carlisle.
I didn't know there was an open Jessops there. I'd be pleased and surprised if they stock anything interesting (CSC) as the one in Middlesbrough never did, not even the higher end Panasonics, although I did see an X100 in Newcastle before it shut. I might as well wait until the GX7 hits the shops or at least until the spec comes out. Nex 6 is still favourite I think.
I didn't know there was an open Jessops there. I'd be pleased and surprised if they stock anything interesting (CSC) as the one in Middlesbrough never did, not even the higher end Panasonics, although I did see an X100 in Newcastle before it shut. I might as well wait until the GX7 hits the shops or at least until the spec comes out. Nex 6 is still favourite I think.

The last time I was in the Metro Centre Jessops it was very well stocked with cameras including CSCs. Might be worth a call or trundle up the A19.

I didn't know there was an open Jessops there. I'd be pleased and surprised if they stock anything interesting (CSC) as the one in Middlesbrough never did, not even the higher end Panasonics, although I did see an X100 in Newcastle before it shut. I might as well wait until the GX7 hits the shops or at least until the spec comes out. Nex 6 is still favourite I think.

Before I posted I checked using the click and collect function, they have both Fuji and Samsung available (I didn't check the entire range stocked, but out of 3 or 4 I chose at random, most items were in stock at the Metrocentre).
Great stuff but although I keep look at the Fuji's I don't think they're for me as too many issues combine to put me off... high base ISO (a big issue that I don't think I can live with,) no RAW at ISO 100, slowish AF, problems processing files with my current software.

All in all I think I'll back off new kit for a while. I was using my G1 for some low light shots this week and with the EVF settings turned down for best effect and although I only took about a dozen shots in lighting that I could easliy see detail in the eye strain caused by the light output was such that it caused me discomfort. Trying a Nex 6 in Newcastle worried me that it'd be no better in this regard.

Until the issues that bother me can be fixed or at least improved, EVF light output, EVF dynamic range and base ISO being the main issues, I don't think I'll be putting any more serious money into CSC's. I'm disappointed as I had high hopes for Panasonic and wider CSC's but to date they haven't delivered what I'm looking for.
The rumour is that a replacement is coming but not sure what aperture it'll be.
I'd be very surprised if they scrapped one of the most popular lenses.
There'll be a replacement in one form or another - no doubt to offer as a kit lens with the upcoming GX7. Discontinuing now allows them an the retailers to run down stock of the old item.
Is there much of a difference in image quality between the G3 and G5?

The G5 is a good price at the moment and im tempted but only if there is a noticeable difference. On the other hand is the G6 is bigger leap and more noticeable quality?

Advice appreciated.
Is there much of a difference in image quality between the G3 and G5?

The G5 is a good price at the moment and im tempted but only if there is a noticeable difference. On the other hand is the G6 is bigger leap and more noticeable quality?

Advice appreciated.
Slightly better image quality for the G5/6 over the G3. The G5/G6 are definitely better handling cameras. I have a G3 (Ms arad85 now uses) and a G5. Personally, I'd definitely pay more for the G5....
Slightly better image quality for the G5/6 over the G3. The G5/G6 are definitely better handling cameras. I have a G3 (Ms arad85 now uses) and a G5. Personally, I'd definitely pay more for the G5....

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Very helpful.
I have shot some raw files on my g5 and convrted them with adobe dng converter for editing in elements, but the converted files are nothing like that shows on camera, anyone else noticed this?

I might be wrong on this but when you review images on the lcd the camera shows you a jpeg converted raw image not the raw image itself, its the same on my sony a57. Try shooting raw + jpeg and comparing.
Just a quick little story...

The other day I took some shots with my 5D+50mm f1.4 and I'd taken my G1+25mm f0.95 too so I took the same shots with it. Shooting with the G1+25mm was slower as it's a manual lens but I was in no rush. The 5D was set to f2.8 and ISO 3200 and the G1 was set to f1.4 and auto ISO which selected mostly 400-800 and 1600 now and again. I was staying away from f1.4 on the 5D and f0.95 on the G1 to give at bit more DoF.

When I came to process the results I loaded them all and started looking at them in the RAW processor in CS5 and I thought "Jeeze, these 5D pictures really do look good. I wish my G1 could match them." and then I realised... the G1 images appear first and it was those I was actually looking at :D

Some 5D images are better once the G1 strays above ISO 200/400 or something a little higher depending upon the light and subject but you have to pixel peep to try and nit pick them at all but the very highest ISO's.
Thanks again to everyone who walked me through buying a fast MF prime (Rokkor 50mm f1.7). I'm very happy with this shot, taken in a not-very-bright pub. The ISO would have been horribly high on my f3.5 kit lens . . .

P1060007 by Arfonfab, on Flickr

I've also been having unexpected fun with it for landscapes, even though I didn't expect to use it for that purpose at all.

Misty sunset by Arfonfab, on Flickr
Alan ... you really can't leave your audience hanging ... post a couple to compare!


I'm afraid other half wont let me post pictures on the net :thumbsdown:

Next time I'm out with both cameras I'll post non people shots.
I have almost countless flower shots on my pc but I can't help taking more, every day... :D

I'm looking forward to the arrival of my latest Minolta purchases :D

Looking at my photographs from a recent trip where I took some in Aperture Priority and another using Panasonics IA feature. As you can see from the two I attached there is a marked difference. Can anyone explain when shooting in Aperture Priority what Im doing wrong to have such a washed out look?



The first looks like a manual white balance issue. Are they jpegs or raws?
The first looks like a manual white balance issue. Are they jpegs or raws?

Thanks for the reply they are all jpegs.

Following your comments i looked at my white balance setting and it was set to "colour temp" for some reason. It appears I may have accidentally changed it at some point. Grrrr:wacky:
Just bought a G5 as a lighter alternative to my Nikon D7000. Aware of the videos on youtube and lumix experience stuff but any links to techniques / advice sites appreciated.

There is plenty of more specific m4/3 stuff here ( not sure if I should advertise another forum :0 )


Just make sure you shoot in raw, jpegs can sometimes be a bit flat. on saying that I know alot of contributors on here shoot jpeg.
Just a few 100% crops from shots taken with my Vivitar 28mm f1.9. I couldn't shoot at f1.9 as I was exceeding 1/4000 and I didn't have any ND's but I managed to shoot a few at the intermediate setting between f1.9 and f2.8.

These wont look as sharp here as they do on my screen as Photobicket seems to mangle them.

It's a very nice lens and it's sharp all the way from f1.9 but if shooting into light at the widest apertures it's prone to flare. No problem shooting down at flowers though.

Aaaaand one last shot :D

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