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This photo was taken on Friday 12th from the trig point on the top of Slioch a 970m mountain in Wester Ross (yes feet were on the ground!) and overlooked Loch Maree with the Torridon mountains to the left and Skye on the horizon. It is a compilation of 5 portrait photos stitched together (all hand held). The shower to the left is a bit unfortunate as it looks like a misted lens. Had I waited longer it would have been clear as the day just got better! Any way a special day and a special memory. I have one from the other side of the mountain and after I piece it together I will share it. Enjoy!

Both good but I particularly like the second one. Somehow don't grasp the scale of it with a small image like that though.

I'm imagining you flying along and stopping off for a quick picture on the top of a mountain..... or was there a road just out of shot and you drove up there ? :)
RobertP said:
I'm imagining you flying along and stopping off for a quick picture on the top of a mountain..... or was there a road just out of shot and you drove up there ? :)

Hee Hee! It is a round trip of 12 miles and 4,000ft vertical climb from the nearest road and was completed on foot. I was at a lodge with 30 other folk (corporate entertainment) and took three people up with me. For 2 of them this was their first ever Scottish "Munro". They were so lucky as this is a cracker of a mountain and the weather obliged with an improving day and excellent visibilty.
Very nice, second looks especially good I guess because your below the cloud, a beautiful landscape to capture in such a way.

Definately gives you a unique niche to get shots from that perspective, makes me wonder how difficult it must be for you to operate a camera in those conditions.

WOW! Some truly stunning scenery you have captured there... and I bet it was just as tranquil as it looks.
For you forbiddenbiker A larger version is here

Warspite, I took these shots from THE GROUND, albeit a very raised piece of mother earth. I do walk occasionally :D

:eek: I thought you were in your flying machine, sorry for the misunderstanding. Still just as impressive though(y)
Nice. All the times I've been to scotland I've never bothered to hack it up any of the mountains. When I'm up in the summer I might have to tap you up for a guided mission!

Those panoramas are lovely and make me want to be back up there!
I love it up there. Spent a few days climbing on Skye a long time ago...
The pictures capture it well :)
Ghandhi. Anytime mate just PM me for number.
FB The grinning man is me. Handed camera to colleague to look after (priorities and all that!)
YOU ARE MAD!! i get the jitters just looking at these images, stunning as they are, i DO suffer virtigo.
Absolutely beautiful shots :)

Gandhi, offers open here too if you're up this far :)
Cheers guys, I might be extending my mission by a couple of days then. Probably wont be until late summer but I'll hold you both to it! Much appreciated!
Boon. True story time.

I used to be afraid of heights but when I witnessed my father being unable to cross a bridge for the same reason I thought I must do something about it. I tried a few shock treatments but find that the line "something that doesn't kill you makes you stronger" holds a lot of truth.

I have my life (and fears) back in control and enjoy every second of my sports and activities and aim to enjoy the Scottish mountains to a very ripe old age.

Perhaps a Scottish Mountain may be a choice for a forum outing? :naughty:
Beautiful shots!. I couldn't resist a play- hope you don't mind. :)

Awesome stuff HUN ! Really like them both but the quality is better in the second ! You have stitched them together perfectly and they produce a wonderful image with great depth and, as said before the curvature makes it special !

And CT's just takes from awesome to wow factor !

TFS muchly m8 ...

is that a para motor majiggy you have? what are they like...I want to get one :D

Can you take pics from it?
leoedin said:

is that a para motor majiggy you have? what are they like...I want to get one :D

Can you take pics from it?

OHH YES! It certainly is and is great fun. As far as aviation goes it is very cheap but you could microlight for about the same money. PM me if serious and I will call you with details but you could start with the BHPA (

Have you not seen some of my pics? Slowly getting more comfortable/competent with using SLR in air. Previous threads are here and here
Don't you have to get permissions/worry about low flying tornados etc when you fly?
You don't need permission as such. I am subject to CAA airspace regulations like any other aircraft. I can only really fly in unclassified airspace and must maintain visibilty minima and clearance from ground/clouds/structures at all times during flight.

As you know Steep we have huge movement of military aircraft where we live and they have an area that is restricted during the week - this does not mean they are not a danger outside that area but to avoid them I generally stay at 1,000ft or abovve. I have seen a few pass underneath me, as I have other aircraft and once had the Air-sea rescue helicopter come up to me at 3,000ft, open their side door and wave! - Nice chaps :D
is it true you don't need a license for flying those things - I know you need a microlight license, but do you need one for a parachute and a propeller?

what kind of fuel efficiency do you get (aka how much does it cost and how far does it take you?)

I read into this stuff a while ago...I'm a bit young right now though :)

perhaps an 18th birthday present :D

That is true, you don't NEED a licence. You would however be MAD to try it without training. Things can go a bit Pete Tong fairly quickly. Technically I am flying a foot launched powered glider which enjoy an exemption in this country as long as you comply with the Air Navigation Order. Fuel useage is about 3-4 litres per hour.

Age? What has that to do with it? My son is 14 next month, has flown many times with me and ground handled my wing. He will get his first solo later thi syear all going well. I have flown with pilots in their 60s and 70s. Sport for all! ;)

That is true, you don't NEED a licence. You would however be MAD to try it without training. Things can go a bit Pete Tong fairly quickly. Technically I am flying a foot launched powered glider which enjoy an exemption in this country as long as you comply with the Air Navigation Order. Fuel useage is about 3-4 litres per hour.

Age? What has that to do with it? My son is 14 next month, has flown many times with me and ground handled my wing. He will get his first solo later thi syear all going well. I have flown with pilots in their 60s and 70s. Sport for all! ;)

money's also an issue. Currently all my money is going towards a longer lens, a tripod and accessories etc.

I'm only 15 (16 in 2 months), and small for my age. (probably about the same height as your son). I have actually had one of these in my mind for a while, so it is something I plan on getting eventually. I want to be a pilot, but the only problem is that you either join the RAF (in the air cadets - not too keen on the military thing) or you go the civvie way (vveeeeeeerrry expensive).

Perhaps I should just aim for a PPL and be happy :D

leoedin said:
I'm only 15 (16 in 2 months), and small for my age. (probably about the same height as your son). I have actually had one of these in my mind for a while, so it is something I plan on getting eventually. I want to be a pilot, but the only problem is that you either join the RAF (in the air cadets - not too keen on the military thing) or you go the civvie way (vveeeeeeerrry expensive).
Leo, there are so many air-sports you really can take your pick. I too was in the air cadets and flew gliders and light aircraft (chipmunks) - The cheapest flying I ever had!

Keep working at your photography and it may well pay the way for these type of activities!

BTW There is a national paragliding competition coming to the borders on 26-29th May which will provide a good chance to see the sport and possibly provide good photographic opportunities!


I won't be there (I did compete in it the last three years) as I am taking my son to the Mountain Bike Downhill World Cup in Fort William.

If you want more info re flying please feel free to PM me.

I once threw up in a chipmunk! just thought I'd share that :D
ha...they fly proper tricycle aircraft now...Grob Tutors :D (next to the pilot)

and no, I haven't thrown up. I did fly a loop, and control the aircraft while landing though :D