Passionate barista at work

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I've decided to take a few more pictures of what I do in my 9 till 5 life. We recently took on a few super passionate staff
I just thought I would share a couple shots from today :)
In a cafe environment they had to be quick shots...

A pour by me, i moved to london to follow the passion

james, our newest barista

Matthew, a barsita that moved from Poland to London for his passion

random behind bar shot

two hobbies, coffee and photography often come hand in hand with me. Haha
Opinions much appreciated
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I'm loving the last one - colours and composition are great. The rest are good, however I'd say the white balance needs sorting.
Holy cows milk!

They are awesome! It is like a healthy Guiness pattern!

Incredible skill.

And know I also know what a Barista is!

Slight WB tweak maybe? (as suggested above)

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Yeah i was thinking the same thing. I will have to sort out a custom WB for that shop because none of the WB settings come out well.
Something for my break tomorrow :) thanks folks
Great latte art, never been able to master it
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Yeah i was thinking the same thing. I will have to sort out a custom WB for that shop because none of the WB settings come out well.
Something for my break tomorrow :) thanks folks

Shoot in raw then have a play and find out what looks the most natural when on PC :)
Nice images but why should I click on all the links, can't you post them on here, it is weekend after all and I am being lazy. (but not as lazy as you :LOL:)
Super set David... :clap: ...passion is clearly evident in the quality of the art form but :agree: the pick of the bunch is that last image... Superb imhgo... (y)

Shame I have mine as it comes and don't get the benefit of the barista's skills... :-(

I was about to report this as it looked like an ad for your coffee shop.
Luckily I had a look at your flickr account first!

Wow! Some really nice shots there...
Thank you David, you have now gave me the urge to rise from my hangover pit and go get a triple shot latte! :puke: :D

Great images though, here and on your flickr.:)
Hi David
Eye opening pix - for me anyway.
Haven't seen this coffee art stuff before - must get out more.
Cheers (y)
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David is a super talented barista and a great ambassador for latte art. Keep up the great work.
Great shots and what a talent. All that and still time to defend people in court! :)

LOLOLOLOL mate that's cheered me right up!

@ RobsonBarista - love the skills mate and the photography too. I actually like the WB, purely personal preference.
Been trying to combine my skills in a similar way and this is inspiring stuff!