Paypal or not Paypal...

I use PP all the time for purchases, especially since you are fully covered these days.
I wouldn't dream of using PP to sell on Ebay though because I've had problems in the past, partly thru' my own naivety.
I have accepted PP gift on TP though, I think most are trustworthy :D
Used to use it, no longer, account was hacked, money removed from my bank account, sent it overdrawn, important direct debits didn't go out (mortgage, phone, insurance etc), all hell broke loose.
Never again. Wouldn't go near paypal with a 84' pole.

I would like to know if people prefer to use paypal or not??

Does it put you off from buying photos online??

I seriously doubt many photographers buy photographs online :) I dont like paypal but I use it as its simple and much better known than any of its rivals that are free..

Are you talking about selling your picures on line using PayPal ?

I use payPal for buying stuff, but i sell my images either through Worldpay or handepay both are secure and charge about half of Paypal.

PM if you would like further details

Are you talking about selling your picures on line using PayPal ?


The thing with the others iirc is that people need to enter all their card details. In my experience a lot of folk have paypal, and they do have the option to send me a cheque otherwise.
I use paypal, had a couple of problems but all sorted out with little fuss.
It's a necessary evil in my view. I've had loads of problems, which took an age to sort out. But they have all been sorted out eventually I suppose. The thing that made me laugh the most was that the first time I closed my account, and threatened legal action, they kept sending me "Rate our Service" type emails, virtually every day for a couple of weeks.
But I use them again now, both for ebay and selling photos - just because it's easy I suppose, and probably because I've been too lazy to look at alternatives!
I dont use it anymore as the first time I sold an expensive camera using paypal and he said it wasnt working so WE put in the complaint only to find out the buyer had bought ours and found one cheaper so paypal went with his side of the story(he said it was knackered but we traded it to whitey here and he never had a problem with it D2H) Then the toe rag rubbed our nose in it providing us with proof he bought a cheaper one the same day but paypal still went against us much for their contracts I wouldnt touch them with a barge pole they are worse than thieves
I used to use them but had a few problems over the years so tend to aviod using them where possible!
bank transfer for me , too many get out clauses with paypal , and it is linked to crapbay , when you start seeing stuff costing more on ebay than on amazon or in the shops it is time to run for the hills i reckon :eek: :LOL:
Had a similar problem to Dangermouse, sold an item and the guy sent it back less some parts and Paypal took his side. Robbing bast***s and would not touch for selling with a barge pole.

I reckon I could probably buy a nice lens on ebay for a few hundred, then say it was faulty and send back a cheapo lens and they would prob find in my favour.
I am selling my work and you pay by paypal.

I was just asking whether people think its a good way of paying

I am selling my work and you pay by paypal.

I was just asking whether people think its a good way of paying


As I said above it works for me.

Though there are those (like some on here) who won't use it, so something like google checkout might be a useful alternative?
I've used Paypal for years without problems, fees can be a little on the high side though, don't know how they compare to others???
It's a necessary evil in my view. I've had loads of problems, which took an age to sort out. But they have all been sorted out eventually I suppose. The thing that made me laugh the most was that the first time I closed my account, and threatened legal action, they kept sending me "Rate our Service" type emails, virtually every day for a couple of weeks.
But I use them again now, both for ebay and selling photos - just because it's easy I suppose, and probably because I've been too lazy to look at alternatives!
The fact you had to threaten legal action says it all, i wouldnt ever touch it never:shake:
The fact you had to threaten legal action says it all, i wouldnt ever touch it never

I would guess you're unlikely to get much trouble taking paypal for selling pictures.
Would definitely go for paypal because it's convenient and almost all online buyers have it.
I use it to sell with no problems.

It's simple and everyone has heard of it, as for the fees you just adjust your price to included theses same as you add the cost of postage and packing to your overall sales price.
I read the term "Necessary Evil" and I think thats very fitting for paypal, its very convenient and fast, but its also costly and it does tend to favour with the buyer over the seller.

The T+C's for the seller protection policy, for example, and very tedious to adhere to, though this may be less of a problem for selling photos.

But its the easiest, and most common!
I rather use Paypal than a credit card.
I would use Paypal for all purchases where possible. If buying from a dodgy sounding outfit who only takes cards I would use a pre-pay credit card rather than using a normal one.
I use paypal for purchases and 99% of my customers use it to buy my beanbags, its also good that it allows people to pay via a credit card if they don't have an account !!

I use paypal for purchases and 99% of my customers use it to buy my beanbags, its also good that it allows people to pay via a credit card if they don't have an account !!


And then issue a chargeback so you loose money AND goods! Happened to me 3 times!! Only use them when ABSOLUTELY neccasary!
I do use them because it's convenient, but have no illusions about them at all.
check out the paypal sucks link if you want an eye opener!