PC sync connector

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What does it actually do (I know it's for firing lights/flash) is it a switch? What triggers it, the shutter? Does any voltage come from the connection?
It's a switch. It's triggered by your shutter. It does not generate a voltage, though a voltage from the flash passes through it.
When you say a voltage from the flash, what flash?
I'm thinking, (here we go):LOL:

If I had a cable with a pc connector at one end plugged into camera1 and the other end of the cable plugged into camera2 via the N3 remote plug, the shutter firing on camera1 would trigger camera2.

Manual focus with auto sleep disabled in the camera2 menu.

What do you think?
What a mad idea. I suppose it would work (in theory). Why not try it and find out?
Yes you could fire a second camera using the PC sync socket !

If you buy a cheap remote for your second camera and replace the trigger with a jack plug it would do it :) You could even plug a second lead into the second camera and fire a third camera. You could even plug a second lead into the third camera and fire a forth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the forth camera and fire a fifth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the fifth camera and fire a sixth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the sixth camera and fire a seventh camera. You could even plug a second lead into the seventh camera and fire an eighth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the eighth camera and fire a ninth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the ninth camera and fire a tenth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the tenth camera and fire an eleventh camera. You could even plug a second lead into the eleventh camera and fire a twelvth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the twelvth camera and fire a thirteenth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the thirteenth camera and fire a fourteenth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the fourteenth camera and fire a fiftheenth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the fiftheenth camera and fire a sixteenth camera. You could even plug a second lead into the sixteenth camera and fire a seventeenth camera. I'm not sure how you would fire an eighteenth one though :bonk:
Thanks all,

Good stuff, I have all the gear except the pc socket, hope to get one tomorrow and try it at the weekend. Then I will try and replace the wire with a wireless system.:D