Peak District Edale Road & Stanage Edge

Gareth Jones
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Picked up a book on peak district locations to shoot so I've set myself a task of visiting as many of these places as possible over time with an aim to get the whole book shot eventually, so i went this weekend with a view to scout these locations for a possible return for a sunrise/sunset if at all possible.

Any hints tips and tricks and critiques very much welcome

1) Edale Road from Mam Tor (missed this shot when i last visited Mam Tor - Image taken around 2-3pm ish so decided for a black and white
Edale Road by garethjones206, on Flickr

2) Stanage Edge ( my second attempt here for a sunset - last one i got drenched when a thunderstorm caught me by surprise along with a number of climbers)
Stanage Edge Sunset by garethjones206, on Flickr
Very nice shots Gareth, with #1 being my preference, good mono conversion giving a nice full range of tones, great sky, and well composed.(y)

The Stanage one is nice, there's a little bit of banding in the sky though - this happens quite often with blue skies and you may need to add some noise to remove if it's in the full size version. I wonder if you might want to remove that flare too. The Edale picture isn't working for me, it's a bit of snap with those cars and the conditions don't look that interesting. It's a difficult scene to pull off well and needs interesting weather, the best I've seen was probably from John Finney in snow a couple of years ago.

Location books are useful but you should back your own vision too, what if you go to capture these views and the best light or action is happening in the other direction? You should keep an open mind and develop confidence in your own compositions I think
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both nice images, especially like number 2.

Agree with the comment above regarding banding, this can sometimes be introduced when playing with highlights or tone curves so might be worth having a play there and seeing if you can remove/reduce them (y)
never even noticed the banding - good catch! , not sure how that has been introduced just looked at the file in lightroom and its not there at all :/ Also not sure how i might remove the flare do you mean content aware or clone it out its rather a large area to get rid of?

Thanks for the tips regarding edale, you are right it was more of a reccy trip for another day, i also did think it would look amazing in the snow but whilst i was there though i wanted to get me a shot (Same for winnats pass which i also visited but didn't post)

The location book again your bang on the money i need to get my own view but since i haven't done much landscape these are helping me build the confidence and get some shots under my belt i shall though endeavour to make my own mark and different views thank you very much for your input scirocco its really helpful.

Richietee, ill have a play with the sliders see what works but it looks like those bands were introduced when i exported to jpg which is odd but again thank you for your input too

George, thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion i also like that image (with the exception of all the cars :/ you can just see the paragliders on the hills top left at full screening full size) i actually waited for the light to come out from behind the clouds to spread across most of the image to help add some depth and had already thought B&W conversion would be the way to go on that pic.
They both look stunning to my untrained eye, well done. Stanage edge is one of my favourite places in the peaks.
never even noticed the banding - good catch! , not sure how that has been introduced just looked at the file in lightroom and its not there at all :/ Also not sure how i might remove the flare do you mean content aware or clone it out its rather a large area to get rid of?

Thanks for the tips regarding edale, you are right it was more of a reccy trip for another day, i also did think it would look amazing in the snow but whilst i was there though i wanted to get me a shot (Same for winnats pass which i also visited but didn't post)

The location book again your bang on the money i need to get my own view but since i haven't done much landscape these are helping me build the confidence and get some shots under my belt i shall though endeavour to make my own mark and different views thank you very much for your input scirocco its really helpful.

Richietee, ill have a play with the sliders see what works but it looks like those bands were introduced when i exported to jpg which is odd but again thank you for your input too

George, thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion i also like that image (with the exception of all the cars :/ you can just see the paragliders on the hills top left at full screening full size) i actually waited for the light to come out from behind the clouds to spread across most of the image to help add some depth and had already thought B&W conversion would be the way to go on that pic.

Yeah Jpeg has a habit of compressing the image and creating these nasty defects. I find its quite often when ive pushed the image in LR quite far with regards to any of the tonal curve properties. May be you reduced the highlights quite drastically on this image to control the rising sun??
Hi Richietee, whilst i did reduce the highlights to compensate for the sun i didn't too much PP on this at all but i have found the problem is i have exported it at less than 100k file size and exporting at full file size there isn't any banding in the sky