permission to sell photos


Bitter and Twisted
sean edwards
Edit My Images
i'm after some advice please.
on sunday a mate of mine and myself attended a trails bike event,we were taking photos of all the riders at the event,we were asked by a few of them if the photos were going on a website,as we don't have one, we said no they weren't.but the club its self does have a website.
iv'e emailed the club and asked if they wanted us to send some of our shots from the day,they have said they would be more than happy for us to send as many as we want.
now is the question
if anyone wanted to buy a print from the days event would we need anyones premisson to sell them.
the event was on a private farm.we didn't have to pay any entrance fee,

can we just sell the shots or not (thats if anybody wants to buy them).

any advice welcome hope i have explained what i'm after :shrug:

cheers sean
As far as I am aware, no you don't. (You can go ahead and sell them)

Normally I would say "Yes, you need a model release", but I believe you don't need one in the UK. Most other countries you do though, so that rules out Stock Agencies, as many have international clients.
cheers mate just wanted to make sure(y)
You're fine with selling them. It's supposed to be in the promoter/organisers info that the rider agrees that they will be photographed and that the images may be used commercially. Or this is what is supposed to happen!!!! I've never seen it.

I'd suggest offering a few for free cut down in size (1024x768 watermarked) free to the organiser for letting you photo/bit of advertising. See if they put a "Contact xyz" for further info. Then when asked, get the interested parties in giving you bike numbers etc and then send them low res small images.

You want to really aim about £10-£15 for an A4 print. I use photobox so you make a nice profit (£2.50 I think to buy an A4).

cheers carl
thats pretty much what we were going to do,send a few shots to the club to put on their website, with a contact info to us if anyone was interested in buying any.we also thought about £10-15 for an a4 print thanks (y)
Depends who you're selling it to Joe. Not going to need it if yo're selling the photo back to the rider and I doubt anyone will be buying a photo of some other bloke. I think it's part of the conditions of entry that you're image rights are passed over to the organisers anyway. You can sell it to a magazine or newspaper without a model release because it's for editorial purposes.

Unlike the MSA though it seems the ACU don't have any sort of system for press passes. Whe I was having that faff with my autocross calendars I emailed a pro tog who covers national and international races and he said he's never had to get a press pass because there isn't one available from the ACU.