Pheasant - France

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heard his "croaking" then saw him through a hole in the back garden hedge ....... "saw him through the grape vines" if you like ... he looked at me ..... I looked at him

don't see many out here ....... the French shoot them all - he was noisy so he won't last long

(just a note - when I post images onto the forum, and they are direct from my own web site, (so nothing to do with Flickr as the images are not from my Flickr page), they seem to be duller and have less contrast than when I see them on my iMac screen - OK I reduce the NEF down to a 250k jpeg for posting ........ so that could be the reason??? ...... )

225k jpeg 1000 x 1000

the following is a 600k jpeg - any different
1000 x 1000
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Some folks might see this as perhaps a bit 'arty' or even voyeuristic..... In terms of a difference between the two, I don't really see it.

In terms of a critique though, for me it's the delete button, sorry.(n)
Hi Bill, this is what I would have done with your shot,not saying its better etc,just my take on it ,to me their is to much mush and just cropping and removing a bit to allow you to emphasise on the head and eye ,hope that makes sense Bill.jpg
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Some folks might see this as perhaps a bit 'arty' or even voyeuristic..... In terms of a difference between the two, I don't really see it.

In terms of a critique though, for me it's the delete button, sorry.(n)

Can't see the point of this one at all, should be well received on here (y)
I like the idea, Bill...and I think the OOF foliage makes a great frame for the Pheasant. The only thing that I don't like is that really dark band running down from the foliage to the birds neck, it really spoils what would have made a good image.
Can't see the point of this one at all, should be well received on here (y)

I like the idea, Bill...and I think the OOF foliage makes a great frame for the Pheasant. The only thing that I don't like is that really dark band running down from the foliage to the birds neck, it really spoils what would have made a good image.

Very nice shot, with great composition and exposure

Thanks guys all comments appreciated - it was just a quick shot, (they can be the best), straight out of the camera, this afternoon.
We have had really heavy rain today and when it stopped I heard this noise at the back of the garden "in the vines" - I could not get near the bird as there was foliage and a ditch between us, but as you know pheasants are stupid and seldom fly off.
I normally do three "walks" a day, (to keep the llbs off), and nature is wonderful as you get unexpected surprises every day that can lead your thoughts in many directions.

It is very unusual to see a pheasant out here, (they are not bred to shoot as they are in the UK), but the French love to eat them, wild, and as soon as my neighbour knew about it he was "on the case" but the bird had gone.

IMHO, photography is not about using the "delete" button, it is about seeing and using what you see to help you appreciate and develop ....... I will take an experience like this every day if it comes along.

I'll have a go at an edit, but the purpose of the shot was not "technical" perfection, I can sit down and attempt those ....... it was taken with my back up D700 and a 300mm lens at f4 and 1/250th sec and ISO 800, in between showers as I was getting really p1ssed off with the rain, (warm and wet) .. I'd set my D750 up with the 600mm on a tripod but nothing came along .............. I just heard the noise and walked towards it

Hope I see something tomorrow, although it is my neighbours 70th birthday so there will be some serious eating and drinking - starts at 11am ............
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That's a late start for drinking in France :)

it is a surprise for him ..... we have to pretend with a cup pf coffee at 10:30am and then walk away and pretend that's it ... these women!!! and their planning

anyway we are having a lightly cooked, kissed by the heat, whole foie to start with and his wife is a great cook ....... 5 courses later .........??? .... I hope the weather is good

of course the main course is a fillet - 2 mins either side
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I'm going to say "c'est la vie" on this one.

I think Andy is right about the dark band, and can't see how it can be improved.

Great attempt though Bill! (y)

Here's to your next image.
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I'm going to say "c'est la vie" on this one.

I think Andy is right about the dark band, and can't see how it can be improved.

Great attempt though Bill! (y)

Here's to your next image.

Thanks Tony

serious wine list so if I do take my camera I am not sure even the best VR will help me

the joys of getting old!
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Hi Bill, this is what I would have done with your shot,not saying its better etc,just my take on it ,to me their is to much mush and just cropping and removing a bit to allow you to emphasise on the head and eye ,hope that makes sense View attachment 46619

I agree Den - the stuff surrounding the image is just not attractive
First off, I like your photo as is - it's a documentary photo of a pheasant as seen in your garden. However I'm surprised you think pheasants aren't raised for shooting in France as it is a major industry and many are imported into UK for shooting -- maybe not in your neck of the woods?
First off, I like your photo as is - it's a documentary photo of a pheasant as seen in your garden. However I'm surprised you think pheasants aren't raised for shooting in France as it is a major industry and many are imported into UK for shooting -- maybe not in your neck of the woods?

apparently they are - I have just spoken to my neighbour - I think he said that they were "let off the leash this week" - but I seldom see them - maybe twice a year
apparently they are - I have just spoken to my neighbour - I think he said that they were "let off the leash this week" - but I seldom see them - maybe twice a year
It's October 1st to Feb 1st here. I have a "pet" pheasant hen that I'm probably keeping locked up until next Feb. I raise a few pheasants from time to time under my banties which live "wild" in the garden and she is the only one to have survived a shooting season.
It's hard to see the difference but if anything second does seem slightly duller on my iPad Retina display but not enough to say it was noticeable without looking really hard and knowing that's what you were saying about them
Bill, thats a really nice record shot of a common bird even if you dont see too many there, you live in a really nice part of France compared to me, you have so much green compared to our scorched brown grass.
Anyhow, if you see one or twenty five a year, consider yourself privileged as I think these birds are really beautifully coloured and majestic in their own right.
Ps, As you know its hotter down here that where you are but I have seen several around and at least one is on my stomping ground for bugs.
Have a glass or 2 for me :)
Bill,not for me this one,but would I try to take that shot oh hell yeah:D. I appreaciate the sentiments behind this,i'm a guy that trys and fails. But if one doesn't raise the camera and try one will never know what one might have got. Now we are in the digital domain the cost is nowt. So although your post doesn't bake me biscuit,I utterly appreciate what you tried to do!! As a guy with a big L tattooed on his bonce that's all I have

The guy that didn't try never did nuffin ;)
