Photo wall at home


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I've just had downstairs in my house replastered and I've been thinking about making a wall in my dining room into a photo wall - that is covering it with photos of friends, family, places i've been, things i've shot as a fun way of displaying my pics. Obviously it would take a while to do - i might vary the sizes from 6x4 to 18x12 say but interested if anyone has done the same or what you think about it?

Anyone have any thoughts of how to do it?
maybe paint the wall a different colour to start with - say black?
what would you use to stick the photos to the wall?

thoughts appreciated!

Works well with B&W photos on a gray or colored wall.. color photos can be really distracting but if done right they'd work as well. Easier to match styles with B&W though.

And don't paint walls black.. unless you have the rest of the apartment done in batman style as well :LOL:
And don't paint walls black.. unless you have the rest of the apartment done in batman style as well :LOL:

Agreed with this!

I saw something in a house I was visiting once which was a wall in his basement/games room full of B+W photos. One half of the wall was a dark shade of grey, the other quite a lot lighter. The photos had been arranged so they contrasted with the colour of the wall behind them; predominately dark photos on the light half, light ones on the dark.

I thought at the time that I like the idea of the split wall but probably could have looked equally as good (and less stark, and cold) if he'd used a light and dark colour instead of greys.

Not to everybody's taste but looked quite nice in his house. The fact that he had a bar and a pool table in the same room didn't hurt!
yep some good ideas, i like the idea of arranging them tonally rather than just randomly sticking them up and that works best with B&W as you say.

what would you use to stick them to the wall?
I am doing the same - just buying loads of different white frames. I am mixing mine as well though and doing both b&w and colour. A few people I know have done similar and it works really well. Never printed my photos for myself until recently but great to see them in print and framed - much better than on the computer screen