Photobox Poster offer

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Posted by SDK^ on A.N.Other forum , didn't see it here yet ;)

heads up to anyone interested in large prints.
Photobox are about to publicly launch a special offer on poster size prints from June - You guys get to use the offer a week early

Print sizes

Order these prints anytime until the end of June and pay just £5.99 for each poster.
Enter the offer code JUNE2006POSTER at the checkout.
i could be wrong but its a one time offer...use the code only once type thing.
Thanks for that, I was going to try a poster just to see how it comes out. (y)

On a related note if you are re-sizing for a poster print I found a good tip in a book I've got.

  • Once the image is open, choose Image Size. When the Image Size dialogue appears make sure the Resample Image is turned on.
  • Switch the unit of measure pop-up menus from Inches to Percent and type in 110 wich will increase the image by 10%. For some reason when you increase in 10% increments it doesn't seem to soften or blur the image.
  • To get it to the right size you will need to "increase by 110%" quite a few times but if you want to make a big print and keep clarity it's worth it.

I've just done it to one of my images and there does not appear to be any noticeable loss of quality.

my image of the sunset is apparently being professionally framed as we speak at massive (apparently expense)

thats the last time i ever leave anything at my grans (y)

on a plus note the person in the framing shop was really impressed with the picture and whilst his family had been holidaying on anglesey for many moons, they had never come across that one, and therefore will be making plans to visit it on their next trip

ive done my bit :clap:
shiato storm said:
i could be wrong but its a one time offer...use the code only once type thing.

I've just placed my second order using the code with no issues.
is there a certain size image you should send when ordering prints of this size?
I sent a 3008x2000 for a beautiful A2 print.

I've just sent a 1832x2660 for another A2. Doubt that one will come out quite as well. Tell u next week :)
Boon said:
is there a certain size image you should send when ordering prints of this size?

Have a look at the website , it gives you recommended resolutions for sizes of prints . (don't mean to sound smart-arsed :))
I've just ordered 3 x 30x20in poster prints, all in it cost me just under £20 delivered, cant beat that!
I've just recieved the "Your order has been dispatched" email... damn that was quick, less than 24 hours between order and dispatch!! :clap:
I re-sized some to 9097 x 6022 using the method above, ordered some 30x20 on Wednesday night and they arrived yesterday. They are all superb quality and packaged very well, I really cannot fault their service. Highly recommended.
Hacker, did you see much in the way of jaggies?
None whatsoever Sammy, which I was really surprised about. I was expecting some loss of quality but even up close there is none to speak of. One of the prints I had done was from a local woodland and my wife showed the print to her friend at the stables who knows the landowner (Prince Rupert apparently!) and he has ordered a copy and wants me to do a series on the wood as it is supposed to be one of the oldest in the country.

Of the other two I had done, one was of a horse coming out of a waterjump and again I couldn't find fault with the re-sizing or the printing and I've just sold that one to the owner. The third was my macro shot of the fly on a flower taken last week and the detail is amazing, although this is 'only' 20" wide.

At a fiver a time you really cannot go wrong.
Just got mine through today, very happy, great quality (y)
Just thought I'd bump this for any newbies to the site and everyone else that may have forgot.....ends tomorrow so get them in now! and don't forget the code in the first post.
Woohoo! Lucky I saw this and managed to get CT's help with a family portrait. Placed the order this afternoon and saved a few squids. :D
My 30"x20" family portrait has turned up. I'm well pleased thanks to CT's help with the touch up! :D Shipped off 3 back to Malaysia this morning to my family. 1 more to send off to Japan to my brother. Now I have to go find a frame for my copy.