Photography Christmas Presents!

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Its coming up to that time of the year!

What are the types of kit/accessories/tools/gadgets you wouldn't usually buy yourself ... but make great presents (<£50 lets say)!

For me its likely to be a Photography Book or two! :snaphappy:
One of the following:

Wireless remotes like the Yongnuo YN622 series for off camera flash. Wireless shutter remotes. Set of ND Filters. Spare camera battery. Wireless Hub with card readers for in the field image back up. Subscription for the digital version of Amateur Photographer (or get it for free from Libraries in Wales, Scotland and certain English Counties). Sensor swab cleaning kit or a complete box of kits for a Nikon D600 owner. Egg timer for Canon EOS-M owners waiting for autofocus. Introduction to Apple Macintosh Computers for Win 10 users. Not enough money for a set of inkjet cartridges.
I know what my wife is getting me because I just bought it. A nearly mint Nikon FE with a 50mm f1.4 lens.

OK slightly over £50 but it's something I wouldn't (probably, err posibbly) have bought without Christmas as an excuse.:);)
100-400 mkll and a 1.4 mk3 extender. Nd filters; extra battery.. and wait think I'm pushing my luck now lol
Memory cards,filters, lens cases, spare batteries are my usual requests when anyone in my family asks what I want!
That way I can save the cash I would have spent on those towards the expensive stuff that I can't tell them the cost of :)

I'm starting to have nightmares that if anything happens to me my family will sell my photography, sport and music gear for
the same amount or less than I claim to have bought it for!!
Memory cards,filters, lens cases, spare batteries are my usual requests when anyone in my family asks what I want!
That way I can save the cash I would have spent on those towards the expensive stuff that I can't tell them the cost of :)

I'm starting to have nightmares that if anything happens to me my family will sell my photography, sport and music gear for
the same amount or less than I claim to have bought it for!!

100% ... Bikes Cameras Computers all suffer from this...
If I get one more insulated-mug-which-looks-like-a-lens-for-a-system-I-don't-have then I will weep.

On the plus side.. I was just given a Lovegrove flash bracket for my birthday. Really well made and incredibly useful but too expensive to justify except as a pressie.

With a body cap for your system and a pre-drilled pinhole, you can create an L lens that outperforms the one it's made to resemble... ;) :p :D (Oh, it requires about 10 minutes with a hacksaw, a drill and some glue as well!)
quick release brackets, wire less remote, straps - i know this, because i've just bought these myself
QR plates.
Universal battery charger.

Robert, apparently they do (or did) exist but I've never seen one! the Canon ones were in Primark last year - obviously pure quality! I was gifted a set of shot glasses last year as well as a cup.
Given as a gift.
It's my birthday a couple weeks before Christmas so as a joint present I'm getting the Fuji 16-55mm f/2.8. As much as I love the primes I'm looking forward to having the handiness of a zoom once again.
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QR plates.
Thanks, you've just reminded me of something I wanted (a Manfrotto to arca adaptor).

I always have some photo books on my list, usually the wildlife competition portfolios.
I'd like to add my 2 pennies worth and be the first to say....... "ANYTHING WITH EVEN THE SLIGHTEST CONNECTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY!"
Nothing!! I have all I need right now. In fact I could do with moving some of it on.
I've got a couple of books and a battery grip/spare batteries on my wish list (having recently upgraded to a 70D i only have a couple off batts that fit - I have the worlds supply of BP511s for my 20/40/50D s (curse you for changing battery standardisation Canon) ... there was some talk about me getting a 7D from my wife for xmas but i think that may be dead now

other than that my wish list is mostly books - some nature , some photography and a bunch of fiction not related to either