Photography, night or day?

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So recently I have had alot of people just starting out in photography have some work printed on canvas... and the sam topic of conversation seems to come up.....

Is it easier to take photos in the day or night?

Day, battling against the glare of the sun. More unwanted people around.
Night, battling with lack of light. Possibly ISO settings?

So day or night? Whats easiest for starting out?
I don't know about easiest but i definatly prefer night togging!
Night for me, prefer the colorful lights of the night. I bring a compact tripod so low light isn't an issue normally.
The only problem is that the drunkards are more likely to harass if you're spotted with camera equipment. Probably should carry a pepper spray when I go out late. Nothing says hello better than burning eyes :D
Night for me, prefer the colorful lights of the night. I bring a compact tripod so low light isn't an issue normally.
The only problem is that the drunkards are more likely to harass if you're spotted with camera equipment. Probably should carry a pepper spray when I go out late. Nothing says hello better than burning eyes :D

A policeman when you get nicked for carrying it???

Like your idea though! ;)
A policeman when you get nicked for carrying it???

Like your idea though! ;)

You could always carry lens cleaning fluid in a spray bottle, i'm sure some of the stuff you can get will have the same effect and irritate the eyes.