Photography show @ NEC

Thought about going, but decided I would rather spend the money on rail fare to go somewhere and take some photos, prefer the fresh air and a bit of exercise to being inside a crowded exhibition hall.

So Keighley and Worth Valley Railway it is tomorrow, bit of a trek, but hopefully a pleasant day out and maybe even some half decent photos (or there again maybe not)

Having read this thread the thought of some pervy types with loads of gear snapping scantily dressed young women does sound unpleasant. Sure the vast majority are nothing like that, but the Partidgesque characters described have put me right off.

The seminars and networking opportunities are clearly of no value then :bang: Oh well, a camouflaged 70-200mm on 1D and 580EX are already packed in the bag! :LOL:
Just go to the next rail station along the line, north or South, free parking and a £2 return rail ticket right into the nec.
I'm going on Monday. I kept tomorrow free too but I think it will be too busy for my liking on a Saturday.
It's 5mins 10 max from furthest carpark... If you are unfit there is a bus service..

Can not believe you lot moan about a sodding carpark when it's cheap or free to get in........
It's the crap cheap beer that's the real issue ;)

Some people have a strange outlook on life.
I'm going on Monday and looking forward to it.

Been preparing for weeks; growing beard etc.. Stopped brushing my teeth last week. And got a 10X8 plate glass large format camera on a huge tripod that will blow away all those losers with their tiny white L lenses. Got a couple of Sherpas to carry the camera for me while I check out the soft porn demonstrations.

Every chance Daryl. Mrs V is on a dry spell so she can drive home.
I'm going on Monday and looking forward to it.

Been preparing for weeks; growing beard etc.. Stopped brushing my teeth last week. And got a 10X8 plate glass large format camera on a huge tripod that will blow away all those losers with their tiny white L lenses. Got a couple of Sherpas to carry the camera for me while I check out the soft porn demonstrations.


See you there. I'll be the one with the Daguerreotype and the Meerschaum pipe.
Wow! .. just gone through this whole thread and to be honest its a f***ing wonder there's a photography industry at all considering how much NEGATIVITY the so called "PRO'S on this forum have thrown at the "photography show@NEC" !!!!
things like:
free entry for pro's ..followed by "and so it should be"!!! they owe you something!:confused:
slagging off people who have the AUDACITY to take a camera to a photography show :mad: WTF
got my "free" ticket dunno if i will go ...seems a bit pointless :dummy1:

i could go on!! ..but frankly its the same story (and the same people) every time i click onto this forum! ...

there might be young "budding" photographers just starting out reading this drivel ... what a great welcome... those who just want to slag the show off why not do the industry a massive favour and shove your FREE TICKETS up your very own a**e

You really do need to climb down from your high horse and just chill out !

Sent from my iPad using Talk Photography Forums

erm... just one of several quotes

free entry for pro's ..followed by "and so it should be"!!!

no high horse this end fella!!!!
Been today and was to be honest very dissapointed, i did get a new lens from LCE but not a lot to see and went round in an hour. Depends what you want and what you are looking for i guess and being the first i am sure they will improve it for future years:)

erm... just one of several quotes

free entry for pro's ..followed by "and so it should be"!!!

no high horse this end fella!!!!
Looks a bit like looking for something to get irate about, why wouldn't pros 'expect' to get in free, they did to the predecessor for many years.

And why wouldn't decent people be a bit put out by a bunch of 'photographers' perving over the models at lighting demo's. When watching and listening would gain them some knowledge, but instead all they'll have are badly lit snapshots.

I don't know about you, but I'd go with gaining knowledge over snapshots of scantily clad girls, and I'd expect most members of this site would look down upon the snap shooter.
I'm an amateur and expect to pay admission to such things. It's a hobby and I enjoy it.

Makes perfect sense to me to charge amateurs who expect to pay for such things. I'm just happy to get in at all and that its not 'trade only'

Makes perfect sense to give trade free entry. They are pros and their thought process and decision making should be different to amateurs.

I just want to play around with a few cameras and lenses, buy some film, darkroom paper and chemicals at hopefully a discount, or at least post free, go and see a talk from Mr McNally and generally indulge in my hobby.

A pro has to have a financial incentive to attend as in addition to losing a day's work, travel costs etc an entry fee may well push them over the limit that makes sense.
Just saw this on Twitter, not particularly good video, but gives you a bit of an idea what to expect if you've not been before.

I also notice someone who'd been today and photographed (very badly) the models on the stands,and now put the images on the portraits section of his "Professional photography" website!
Looks a bit like looking for something to get irate about, why wouldn't pros 'expect' to get in free, they did to the predecessor for many years.

And why wouldn't decent people be a bit put out by a bunch of 'photographers' perving over the models at lighting demo's. When watching and listening would gain them some knowledge, but instead all they'll have are badly lit snapshots.

I don't know about you, but I'd go with gaining knowledge over snapshots of scantily clad girls, and I'd expect most members of this site would look down upon the snap shooter.

o_O not sure where in any of my posts i was promoting "pervs" Phil :thinking:
Any good deal on Photographic gear and accessories there? Looking to pick up a few bits and bobs, Last year there was some good deal about, Are there any this year?

I was trying to make out from the video above, but all you can see is the calumet stuff which all seems to be in Euros! Hoping CameraWorld might have some good deals on, but not seen any figures anywhere yet :(
o_O not sure where in any of my posts i was promoting "pervs" Phil :thinking:
I never said you did specifically, but you made a big shouty moan about all the NEGATIVITY and to my eyes half the negativity in the thread is about the camera toting pervs.

Personally I think the crowds are worth enduring to be able to get hands on a lot of products I'd not be able to see in any other single place.

That and I'll go on the Tuesday when the crowds are smallest.
I bought a calumet large roller bag with £20 off, bought some software for when I am being lazy removing unwanted people in photos etc. called snapheal pro seems well worth the £20 I paid, also bought a twin pack of Delkin 700x CF cards for £52 twin packs are £77 on Amazon so a good saving there.

Seemed a few double canon cash back offers on certain gear.

Overall I enjoyed it, we're far to many knobs carrying all the camera gear they own taking crap pointless photos of other peoples photos and models with crap backgrounds and poor light. I felt like I should have had a camera with me lol
I never said you did specifically, but you made a big shouty moan about all the NEGATIVITY and to my eyes half the negativity in the thread is about the camera toting pervs.

Personally I think the crowds are worth enduring to be able to get hands on a lot of products I'd not be able to see in any other single place.

That and I'll go on the Tuesday when the crowds are smallest.

no problem Phil! .. "big shouty moan" over .. i suppose i was trying to back the amateur photographer in respect that he/she might be looking forward to taking their camera to try to try out some new equipment!
I saw the Epson 3880 printer on offer at c£850.

On related note, came away with a bottle of print head block remover, another cable release, 4 books, lots of brochures/leaflets - oh, and a camera, grip and lens...

I don't know what the street price is on Kodak colour negative in 5x4, but one stand was selling 10 sheets for £40 - less than half their normal price. As a B&W user, I'm not up on colour prices.
no problem Phil! .. "big shouty moan" over .. i suppose i was trying to back the amateur photographer in respect that he/she might be looking forward to taking their camera to try to try out some new equipment!
Plenty of them will, you should go and look though, I took a body once to try out some lenses, but why some people treat it like a safari wildlife shoot is a mystery.

I'll be checking out lighting and the latest products from a couple of album companies. If I need a photographic record, my phone will be good enough.
I went today hoping to get a good deal on Nikon gear, d800 and some new glass. Disappointed as no discounts at all on Nikon products from any of the supplies.
Could not walk freely around in the morning as it was heaving with people and as predicted a lot people with huge backpacks and tripods. I went back to the dentistry show in another hall and retuned at 4 o'clock to wizz around the photo show was the crowds had dispersed.
Overall lots to see but not many bargains!
Never really understood why shows like this don't have a trade only day...
It's trade only for the first hour (9 to 10) on Monday and Tuesday.
It's trade only for the first hour (9 to 10) on Monday and Tuesday.

Ah that makes sense I guess and I suppose those days are mostly trade anyway as the bulk of hobby photographers will likely not take a day off work to attend a show