Photoshop Contact sheet automation

Edit My Images
Ok.... there's a brilliant internal application (File - Automate- Contact Sheet II) which creates a contact sheet of varying parameters and will even add the filename to each individual image (underneath).

Great - I can do that bit! What I want to be able to do is label the image with only the first 6 or 7 characters of the filename, NOT the whole filename!

Any ideas? Is there any other software that'll do what I want? :shrug:
Nobody? :shrug:
Ok..... fixed it!

You need to download this and install it following the instructions contained in the zipped file. ContactSheet X There is no solution within the script to select just the first part of the file name ... but.... you can do this. (In windows)

Start ..... run ..... cmd ------ this will give you a DOS command line window.

Navigate to the folder containing your images for 'contact sheeting' ....
cd <directory name>
make a new directory mkdir <new name>
copy *.* .\<new name>\??????.jpg (The number of question marks dictates how many characters of the original file name will be used.)

Then set Captions in CSX so it doesn't print the file extension. [File .... Automate .... Contact Sheet X] The source images will be those in the <new name> directory.

Sit back and relax!

Hope it helps! It worked for me...... :clap: I just couldn't find a solution which avoided using DOS.