Photoshop editing...

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Many, many years ago I wanted to teach myself a little about Photoshop.

It was pre-all those tutorials on YouTube, so I had to set myself a bit of a project.

I like cars. Specifically I like Audis. And I'd seen someone do a 'minicar' as I called it.

This was my very first attempt. File says it was from Feb 2006. I didn't know anything about layers, blending or anything so everything I did, I did over the top of the original file, so couldn't go back and edit it.

Came out alright... but I had a lot to learn.

RS4RedAVANT by Kell Lunam-Cowan, on Flickr

This was the first one I did when I started to learn more about layers. And I think I went backwards several stages as it looks awful.


Over the years, I've done a few more - normally of cars I really like.

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Certainly different. You have created your own genre.
Think you have also cracked the use of Photoshop.

I like them
I can see several things wrong with some of my earlier ones. It wasn't till much later I worked out how to create new door shut lines.

I haven't examined them in detail, but now that you mention it - that last one has extra circles of shadow around the tyres which don't belong.
These are so cool, I love `em. Great work (y)
Good work, love it. (y)
I haven't examined them in detail, but now that you mention it - that last one has extra circles of shadow around the tyres which don't belong.
That last one clearly has a layer which I forgot to switch off somewhere as I've just noticed it actually has an extra bit of tyre in it.
