Photoshop Layout

Edit My Images
This is how I had CS3:

I like this, and images pop up in their own little moveable window. Lovely.

I have installed CS4 and it looks like this:

I don't like this, images are fixed in the middle and fill the whole area etc.

I want to change it to how CS3 works, which I recall being possible because I remember changing between all the different modes in CS3, one of which made it do what CS4 is doing now, but i'll be damned if I can find the option or the button which effects this change.

Help :(
Whilst on this subject, how can the workspace be done so that you dont have the grey background? I was at another photogs house yesterday and he had photoshop set out so that all the tools and stuff just floated and when the images were opened they would open in their own box and not on the photoshop interfacey thing..

Regards, James
Whilst on this subject, how can the workspace be done so that you dont have the grey background? I was at another photogs house yesterday and he had photoshop set out so that all the tools and stuff just floated and when the images were opened they would open in their own box and not on the photoshop interfacey thing..

Regards, James

Just keep pressing the "F" key and it will get to that layout.

James, I think you choose your colour then use the paint bucket tool on the background while holding, alt, ctrl/cmd, or shift.

Edit : I read your question wrong.
Does he have a mac? That's how it is on the mac.
Yeah he has a mac and I have a poopy xp :p

I thought that might be the answer, tried playing with the workspace settings last night to no avail. Just means I have to save for a mac :p

Regards, James
I think the neutral grey background is so that there are no other colours to distract your eyes from the colours in the image.

Sometimes I use a floating method, just click on the reduce option (between close and minimise at the top of the page) and then just get the toolbar showing, the rest of the boxes/windows will then appear to float over the page below. It is useful if you are editing a picture and comparing it to one, say, on TP
Just means I have to save for a mac :p

Oh by all means save for a mac, theyre much better :D
But trust me, that layout gets on your threppenies. I prefer the full background approach of Photoshop in Windows
You can pull the tabs at the top away and then it turns into a separate window

This however works for the image in it's own window. Lovely.

I still want rid of the gay bars at the side, just because they annoy me but i'm guessing I can't do that.


If you look at the CS3 screen, the toolbars to the left are just tucked at the top on their own, and the rest of the screen is the lighter grey colour.

In the CS4 screen, there is a dark grey bar that achieves nothing going all the way down the side of the screen.

Also, I don't like the way CS4 is forcefully skinned, I prefer stuff to just use my windows skin.
I only have Options and Tools in that section, no Application Frame or Application Bar.

edit - nvm, I've done it now, I had to 'drag them out' and then move them back. I dunno why any of that needed to be changed from the way CS3 operated. Change for changes sake.
Re-read your post - you were talking about closing gay bars which did not seem to be quite relevant to this thread :LOL:

An "r" in the right place makes quite a difference :LOL:

I meant to type 'gay', it wasn't a typo of 'gray' as you'll note I prefer to spell it 'grey'. I tend to use 'gay' as word interchangeable for annoying/useless/rubbish and so on.

Possibly not the best choice of wording but I typed exactly what I meant to type :p
Come on, admit it, you were thinking of those gaybars weren't you.
It's OK you're amongst friends now.
I will admit to having had some less than favourable encounters on my travels around many of this city's varied drinking establishments.