picassa doing something strange?

Edit My Images
I won't put this in the "editing " forum because it might be nothing to do with software....but I was looking at my pictures on picassa last night ...no problems.. but when I viewed them full page one came up with "olympus digital" all the way across the bottom but only when viewed full screen. then loads were fine then another had writing on...
All I can think is I've just gone over to windows 7 and the software might need updating.... or I edited in ps and did something daft?
Am a bit baffled to honest because although it was taken with an olympus I don't name or tag any photos?
Any ideas?
I had the same problem with pics from my Olympus E-410. I found a cure, though: I bought a Nikon. ;)

I seem to recall that if you click on the words you can delete them, or there's a checkbox when you're viewing full-screen that you can uncheck to make these words disappear. Not a proper solution, admittedly, but it's a start.
how do you view full screen...i use the picassa viewer but it only does about 2/3 screen size
I had the same problem with pics from my Olympus E-410. I found a cure, though: I bought a Nikon. ;)

I seem to recall that if you click on the words you can delete them, or there's a checkbox when you're viewing full-screen that you can uncheck to make these words disappear. Not a proper solution, admittedly, but it's a start.

I have a nikon and same thing ;) but I found the little check box and voila! thanks a lot. :)