Picture of Sydney Opera House / Bridge - thoughts?

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Hi all,

I am new to this web forum .... would appreciate thoughts on the photo below ..


It was taken using a Canon 400D from a helicopter. I have used Paint Shop Pro to straighten & sharper slightly.


composition is good
contrast is a bit flat - probably due to the haze
the opera house looks a bit blown,
so maybe darken a touch and up the contrast?

oh - and welcome :wave:

Thanks for the feedback ... will look at darkening slight & uping contrast ....

Ohh, I'm jealous. I wanna go back! Not been back to Sydney for 2 years. Love the little yellow and green ferry/taxis (even if they smell a bit dieselly).

I think you've not done too bad with SOH to be honest. I always struggled not to get a pure white roof, but I can easily make out the tiles.

You've even got those little grey ants on the bridge too - that's fun, although we never went up in a helicopter there (saved that one for safari around Alice Springs)

All in all, not a bad first post either. Welcome!
composition is good
contrast is a bit flat - probably due to the haze
the opera house looks a bit blown,
so maybe darken a touch and up the contrast?

oh - and welcome :wave:


Welcome to TPF. :wave:

Of course the Opera House is not actually white - at least when you get close up it isn't ... the little grey ants on the bridge - well that was me on the 2nd Jan 08 ... amazing!!

Yes I also miss Sydney!!!

Will post some of my other pics for review tomorrow ...
