Pictures in the park in Autumn

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Hi all

I'm planing on doing some shots in our local park which has loads of beautiful trees and lovely autumn setting. I'm planing on shooting kids, a few lively running around shots and a few portrait type shots. I have a canon 60d , canon 70-200 l lens , a canon 24 -100mm f/4 l lens. I'm leaning towards my 70-200 to use for this shoot? But I'm not convinced yet ? Any suggestions on camera settings and which lens would be best ? Taking into consideration that kids move fast ... Also any other suggestions ? Like shooting under trees ( well on the edge to maximise light but minimise glare ? Thank you.
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Unless they are your own kids running around i would be very careful due to a lot of people taking offence you could end up with a bit of trouble on your hands, i would stick to shooting trees etc.
A lot of my shoots for families are in the local parks and woodlands. I almost exclusivley use the 70-200 mostly at around f4 with a little fill flash from an SB600.

This is one recently of my daughter in Nowton Park;

by Don't like to be Bored, on Flickr


Thanks for that (y)

That one was shot at 1/500 f3.5 iso200 about 8m away on full frame. Fill flash is done on camera with an SB600. I find that when doig shoots of kids that althought they will be tolerant of a certain amount of posed shots that can be set up most of the best stuff is more natural and a decent flash gun on camera just lifts the shadows enough for me. I usually have the flash at -2/3 of a stop so that is doesnt over power the shot too much.
Tractor Boy said:
Thanks for that (y)

That one was shot at 1/500 f3.5 iso200 about 8m away on full frame. Fill flash is done on camera with an SB600. I find that when doig shoots of kids that althought they will be tolerant of a certain amount of posed shots that can be set up most of the best stuff is more natural and a decent flash gun on camera just lifts the shadows enough for me. I usually have the flash at -2/3 of a stop so that is doesnt over power the shot too much.

Great! Going to try this out with my monkeys today in the park.