Pine Martens


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I am wanting to photograph Pine Martens in Scotland next year, can anyone recommend places to visit and accommodation that is not in a remote location. Would prefer to stay in a village with a good local pub,

Aigas feild centre , but it isnt cheap

or rothiemurcus estate (ditto)
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also theres a B&B my other half stayed in before we met which has pine martens visiting the garden ... she's currently asleep but i'll ask her tommorow if i remember
Pine Martens come to the cottage we stay at on Loch Sunart in fact they live in one of the big old trees next to the cottage.

There are plenty of self catering places in the Sunart / Ardnamurchan area that make a point of advertising that Pine Martens visit for food.

If you google: 'pine marten ardnamurchan self catering' you will find loads.

This isn't where we stay but it was one of the first that popped up.
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Pine Martens come to the cottage we stay at on Loch Sunart in fact they live in one of the big old trees next to the cottage.

There are plenty of self catering places in the Sunart / Ardnamurchan area that make a point of advertising that Pine Martens visit for food.

If you google: 'pine marten ardnamurchan self catering' you will find loads.

This isn't where we stay but it was one of the first that popped up.
Im there with a mate in June i believe, my mate stayed very close to this in another bed and breakfast place and was hand feeding pine martin-he has some of the best images i have seen of these little critters.
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I am staying in Grantown on Spey in May, so any pointers to known (easily seen?) Pine Martens in that area would be very welcome :)
Another vote for Aigas Field Centre... Not cheap, but we've had a couple of very enjoyable trips there.

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also theres a B&B my other half stayed in before we met which has pine martens visiting the garden ... she's currently asleep but i'll ask her tommorow if i remember

B&B is called Cromasaig, and its in Kinlochewe.... Sarah says google will find it third from the top of page 1