please please help. card formatting

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I have a Canon 400d which uses an Integral 2gb compact flash card.
Thought I would treat my self to a new 4gb Sandisk Ultra. Oh dear

I receive the message There is a problem with the cf card. please replace.

I then tried to format the card in camera.. to which I receive an Err 99

took the card back and replaced with another Sandisk 4gb and 4 more memorytogo 2gb cards. Same problem....

Do I need to format all of these cards on a pc before i am able to use them ? Currently i can't connect a CF card to my pc.

So, 6 cards all with the same error. my current card works ok.

Please can anyone shed any light on this really annoying problem ?

Many thanks
That sounds strange if they are all doing it except your original card. I used 4gb sandisk, lexar and peak cards in my 400d all with no problems...

Does it shoot and record ok on the original card still? It sounds like a CF unit fault in the camera but that should affect the apparently working card also...
That sounds strange if they are all doing it except your original card. I used 4gb sandisk, lexar and peak cards in my 400d all with no problems...

Does it shoot and record ok on the original card still? It sounds like a CF unit fault in the camera but that should affect the apparently working card also...

Yes it still works with my old card.
You should still be able to use the new cards straight out the box without formatting them, the only disadvantage is the file structure won't return an accurate data usage iirc. Still, I'd try formatting on a pc if you can, USB card readers are pretty cheap. It might be worth picking one up from Maplins or such tomorrow and trying this as they don't cost much.
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Put it in your computer, chose the card in computer or my computer, right click on it, un check fast format and then it will low level format the card. then put it back in the camera and format it again....
JSER said:
Put it in your computer, chose the card in computer or my computer, right click on it, un check fast format and then it will low level format the card. then put it back in the camera and format it again....

I think the problem is at this time, the op can't connect the card to his pc...
I will try to take it to my local camera shop and see what they say.

Thanks for your help and i will let you know what they say.
I use the Sandisk Extreme III (30 MBs) 4gb in a Canon 350D with no problems at all. Good luck solving your problem.

A low level in-camera format is all that is required.
Is there a possibility that the Sandisk may not be a Sandisk ? The Sandisk cards are counterfeited quite often and sold on such sites as e-bay, etc. You may want to check the Sandisk website to learn more about this problem and how to identify the lineage of your card.
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Thats 2 Sandisk 4gb's a 4 x Memory2go 2gbs. Surely they can't all be faulty or counterfeit.

Hypothetically if they are counterfeit surely they may still work ??? just relabelled cheaper items.
I'l have to wait til Monday and see what my camera shop says.
Thanks for all the help

Does the original card still work after you have tried all these ?

Will the original card format ?

Have you had a very good look in the pin slots of your original card to make sure a pin from the camera hasn't broke off and is stuck in the original card - so when this card is in the body all the contacts are made, but when a new card is in, there is a contact missing -> probably a very long shot, but worth checking

Do hope you solve it ...
I had the same issue last weekend, I don't know what caused it or what cured it but my 60D was refusing to format or even read in some cases most of my cards which are various sizes and makes. I took the battery out for 5 mins and then tried again and it all started working.
A bit of an update: Took my camera into my local camera shop. all the pins are ok, tried my new 4gb sandisk in a 20d and all work fine. installed an 8gb udma card in my camera, all worked fine.
So everyone is puzzled.
He said that my camera is not using the latest firmware so will do an update for me.

He said that if my camera can take an 8gb udma which i am told is a really fast card then no reason why it's having such problems.

Digikat, i might call him tomorrow and say about taking the battery out.
Will let you all know the outcome.
Finally sorted out.
2 of the pins have come away from the board, wasn't obvious until the memory board was removed.
Thankyou to Steve at Skears in Northampton. This is why we must support our local independant retailers, super super service.