Plodda Falls Glen Affric

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Went to Glen Affric last October which was a lovely place, these pictures are attached to memories of the place for me personally like the smell of the forest as the sound of the birds in the trees. I don't know if they will do anything for anyone else, they were also taken at mid day during a gentle misting of rain so were not the optimal times for landscape photography!

Plodda Falls by Craig Hollis, on Flickr

Plodda Falls by Craig Hollis, on Flickr

Plodda Falls by Craig Hollis, on Flickr

Thanks for looking, C & C welcome.
A gentle misting of rain in the Highlands? Well it makes it more realistic and less chocolate boxy, plus the lack of shadows helps with the detail in the photos. The first one is best for me due to the fine detail in the foreground and the warmth of the dead leaves lighting up that area. The other 2 are good, although I'm not so keen on #2 having the water coming into the photo from the bottom of the frame as it's putting quite a large highlight there.